Model ID: 1e22a6fc-8d7a-4288-a3ef-f33764c1d986 Sitecore Context Id: 1e22a6fc-8d7a-4288-a3ef-f33764c1d986;

Fancy a Career in Arts and Culture?

More youths are giving the arts and cultural sector a go as a career option. In this two-parter, we take a look at the growing number over the years. Next week: Experts and veterans share tips on making it in the industry.
Model ID: 1e22a6fc-8d7a-4288-a3ef-f33764c1d986 Sitecore Context Id: 1e22a6fc-8d7a-4288-a3ef-f33764c1d986;
By Ryan Chan 28 Oct 2016
Model ID: 1e22a6fc-8d7a-4288-a3ef-f33764c1d986 Sitecore Context Id: 1e22a6fc-8d7a-4288-a3ef-f33764c1d986;
Stage actor, singer or dancer? Your progression and recognition may not be as straightforward as professionals, managers and executives (PMEs). For those reasons, it becomes understandable that youths interested in the arts and culture industry would weigh the pros and cons.
To help youths gain a better understanding of the industry, Young NTUC organised the Arts & Culture Conversation on 26 October 2016, a Labour Movement’s first for workers contemplating entering the industry.
The 60 participants attending the event had the opportunity to interact with a panel and tap on their expertise on how to cut it in the local arts scene.
The panel comprised creative director Jeremiah Choy, actor Mathialagan M, choreographer Som Said and film producer Juan Foo.
Entering the Industry
In recent years, the number of performing artistes in Singapore has grown. According to the latest Singapore Cultural Statistics released by the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, total employment in the arts and culture sector rose from 23,770 in 2009 to 27,436 in 2015, marking a 15 per cent increase.
These numbers are in proportion to the growing number of student enrolment in full-time tertiary arts education programmes and courses over the last 10 years. From just 1,860 students in 2004, enrolment figures grew almost triple-fold to 5,504 in 2014.
Young NTUC has also noted an increasing demand for support for the industry through its youth engagement sessions, with more youths looking to explore arts as a viable career choice.
The panellists also had other tips to share on what aspiring artistes should know before embarking on a full-time career in the industry. Look out for our quick tips guide next week!
Source: NTUC This Week