Model ID: 247bb9af-1294-4f09-9e65-b846aeb3af83 Sitecore Context Id: 247bb9af-1294-4f09-9e65-b846aeb3af83;

Face to Face with UPAGE

We meet up with four new executive council appointment holders from the Union of Power and Gas Employees (UPAGE) to find out what they have lined up for their roles.
Model ID: 247bb9af-1294-4f09-9e65-b846aeb3af83 Sitecore Context Id: 247bb9af-1294-4f09-9e65-b846aeb3af83;
By and Photos Jonathan Tan 29 Oct 2018
Model ID: 247bb9af-1294-4f09-9e65-b846aeb3af83 Sitecore Context Id: 247bb9af-1294-4f09-9e65-b846aeb3af83;

Following the Union of Power and Gas Employees’ (UPAGE) 6th Quadrennial Delegates Conference on 20 August, four of its union leaders were elected into new positions within the unions executive council.

We get personal with new vice president Suzairi Ambri, new assistant secretaries Suhaini Salleh and Derek Lua, as well as new assistant general treasurer Joyce Koh. 

Suzairi Ambri, 44

UPAGE vice president and senior administrative assistant at SP Services

What got you more involved in union work?

There came a time where I felt that I could contribute to my members beyond just going to work, heading home and earning my paycheck. The opportunity presented itself to me when I was in my late 20s when the veteran leaders asked if I would like to give back.

What are the causes closest to your heart?

Things like welfare and my members’ rice bowls are core to me. I believe that as a leader, I must bear the responsibility of looking after the workplace needs of my members and their families.

As a union leader, I believe that we must be steadfast and have the mental strength to serve our members, especially when we have to make hard decisions. We gradually improve at doing so over time with more and more experience in the union.

How would you describe your union experience in a word?

AWESOME. It is very satisfying when I see my members, their spouses and children, all happy and enjoying a better quality of life over time because of the support and efforts of the union.

Lessons learnt?

That we must have our principles and stick by them. One can change the means and ways of getting something done, but we cannot waver from our purpose. Working together and learning from the veteran leaders in UPAGE has helped make me be the man I am today.
Tell us a fun-fact about yourself.

I used to play golf when I previously worked in the golf industry. And while I don’t play anymore, I still follow the players and keep up with news on the sport. It’s been useful as an ice-breaker when chatting with others.

Suhaini Salleh, 56

UPAGE assistant general secretary and technical officer at SP Power Grid

What made you get more involved in union work?

I want to do what I can and contribute to helping union members. And I want to do so with a team that is focused on working hard for the interests of the members. To me, a good union leader is one who is honest, neutral, unafraid to speak his mind and forward looking.

What are the causes closest to your heart?

Definitely education. Without it, we won’t know anything. We have to be aware of new trends taking place around us and prepare ourselves for new changes. As leaders, we have to lead by example. By learning new things first, we can effectively share the benefits of new knowledge with others.

How would you describe your union experience in a word?

IMPROVEMENT. The union has been progressing so much over the years. Our representation has increased and we have many more initiatives to help our members progress.

Lessons learnt?

I’ve learnt to know who I am as a person and what kind of a leader I want to be. I’ve learnt how to be honest with myself, focus on a goal and do what is necessary to achieve it.

Tell us a fun-fact about yourself.

I took up fishing to tame my temper. You will never how long it takes before a fish takes the bait, so for someone hot-tempered like me, waiting for a bite has helped tame my impatience and helped me think more clearly. I can’t rush what I cannot control.

Derek Lua, 42

UPAGE assistant general secretary and senior technical officer at City Gas

What got you more involved in union work?

I was roped in to play a bigger role in the union when the company underwent restructuring and I got to see how our members benefited from the work of the union. I also witnessed this through the different negotiations for annual increment, performance bonus and collective agreement.

What are the causes closest to your heart?

Continuing to be able to work well with our management partners and helping our workers with their needs. These days, this also involves supporting them emotionally, their career progression and coping with a fast-changing work environment.

How would you describe your union experience in a word?

EYE-OPENER. This journey has really helped me see a different perspective of life and be more aware of how the world is changing. With the exposure I get as a union leader, I hope to be able to better share my experiences and advise my members.

Lessons learnt?

How to control my personal emotions. We may sometimes get carried away in the heat of the moment, and once we start arguing, we immediately lose the ground. The better approach would be to maintain a cool front, think sensibly and stay calm.

Tell us a fun-fact about yourself.

I find joy in doing community work, and being able to touch the lives of other people. When you make a difference, you can see happy faces from people of all walks of life.

Joyce Koh, 37

UPAGE assistant general treasurer and credit control officer at SP Services

What got you more involved in union work?

I enjoy volunteering because of the difference I am able to make and the smiles and happiness I can bring.
I am always taking part in my company’s community service events. When my branch was looking for a new delegate back in 2011, I was approached to be a union delegate… and that is how it all began. 

What are some of the causes closest to your heart?

Supporting our members through the union’s bursary awards and hardship grants. This lets me play a very active role in making a difference to members in need. Seeing them better off because of the support I’m able to render to them is very fulfilling.

How would you describe your union experience in a word?

SATISFYING… because I get to make a difference to the lives of my members and help them resolve issues. I also get to learn so much more new knowledge and experiences outside of my work in the office. Being a part of Young UPAGE in the past has also allowed me to meet many new friends and understand different perspectives.

Lessons learnt?

Listening from the heart. People may not be able to explain their intentions in the right words, so it is very important to ask the right questions, prompt softly and find out just what they are trying to share.

Tell us a fun-fact about yourself.

I’m still actively playing PokemonGo because of the community in the game. It’s very similar to my experience in the union where different people participate and work together to achieve common goals.