Model ID: 7bdbffc0-b141-4a66-be9b-1f454ece62c4 Sitecore Context Id: 7bdbffc0-b141-4a66-be9b-1f454ece62c4;

Face to Face with Parveen Kamaludheen

Women leaders, learning and embracing changes – UTES’ Parveen talks about things are changing.
Model ID: 7bdbffc0-b141-4a66-be9b-1f454ece62c4 Sitecore Context Id: 7bdbffc0-b141-4a66-be9b-1f454ece62c4;
By and Photo Ramesh Subbaraman 17 Jul 2018
Model ID: 7bdbffc0-b141-4a66-be9b-1f454ece62c4 Sitecore Context Id: 7bdbffc0-b141-4a66-be9b-1f454ece62c4;

Encouraging more women to come forward to play leading roles in the labour movement is something Parveen Kamaludheen hopes to strive for.

They can then encourage more of their gender to return to the workforce, added the 35-year-old customer care executive with Singtel.

Ms Parveen is also Second Assistant General Secretary of the Union of Telecoms Employees of Singapore (UTES).

Her top priority within UTES is to encourage its members to be ready for the new economy.

What steps has UTES been taking to prepare its members for the future economy?

Ms Parveen: We have been actively advocating a change of mindset amongst our members, regardless of their age group. During our induction activities, meet the members sessions and other events, we impress upon them to see the big picture about the Industry Transformation Map impacting our industry and how they need to be prepared for it. I have faced members who do not want to change and resist training. Our job is to convince them of the benefits and how that will help them remain employable.

Q: How does UTES engage management partners to ensure that priority is given to training workers?

A: In UTES, we have excellent labour-management relations. They have been very supportive on many initiatives. We both strongly believe in strengthening the skills of our employees. One of such initiatives was the SkillsFuture for Digital Workplace course that was done with NTUC LearningHub. The two-day course is now being conducted for Singtel employees to embrace the change in the digital world of tomorrow.

Q: What is your personal motto and mantra about training and upskilling?

A: I personally like this quote: “Learn, Relearn and Unlearn”. In UTES, we believe in walking the ground and we have ensured that our union leaders undergo upskilling to embrace changes. As I am managing a team of customer care officers, I have to also upskill myself, especially with Singtel introducing many digital initiatives which are very different from the traditional way of customers contacting hotlines.

Q: Women in leadership roles in the Labour Movement? Tell us what you feel.

A: The number of women union leaders has been growing and this is  very heartening. Female union leaders can do more to encourage women to re-enter the workforce, especially those who left due to family commitments. At present, they seem more apprehensive to return due to the fear of their inability to fit back into the working world and also whether they are able to cope with the changes that have been taking place all these years. Personally, I have attended some dialogue sessions and it was an eye opener for me to hear our female union leaders come up with many ideas to encourage women to join back the workforce. 

Q: Any tips to encourage more women to take up leadership roles?

A: Firstly, let us work towards recruiting more female union leaders and encourage them to join the unions as branch officials. There should be a conscious effort to include more women in leadership roles so that women's issues can be adequately represented. I have had the privilege of being guided and encouraged by our senior union leaders and that is something which has kept my passion going. 

Good To Know

Union of Telecoms Employees of Singapore (UTES)

Date of Registration: 16 October 1982

Date of Affiliation to NTUC: 20 October 1982

Membership: 8,257 members