Model ID: 9272e592-d951-4c2d-ac30-c40406f24cae Sitecore Context Id: 9272e592-d951-4c2d-ac30-c40406f24cae;

Ensure that workers’ interests are taken care of in the design of Land Transport Master Plan 2040

As Singapore plans for the future of its land transport system, the National Transport Workers’ Union (NTWU) gathered ground feedback to provide recommendations to the Land Transport Master Plan (LTMP) 2040.
Model ID: 9272e592-d951-4c2d-ac30-c40406f24cae Sitecore Context Id: 9272e592-d951-4c2d-ac30-c40406f24cae;
16 Jan 2019
Model ID: 9272e592-d951-4c2d-ac30-c40406f24cae Sitecore Context Id: 9272e592-d951-4c2d-ac30-c40406f24cae;

Public transport workers play an essential role in the delivery of a safe and reliable public transport system. As Singapore plans for the future of its land transport system, the National Transport Workers’ Union (NTWU) has gathered ground feedback and organised a focus group discussion with some 30 union leaders and public transport workers to provide recommendations to the Land Transport Master Plan (LTMP) 2040. These leaders and workers represent both frontline and backend functions from both bus and rail services, comprising bus captains, as well as service and maintenance staff from train stations and bus interchanges.

As we plan for a public transport system that caters to commuters’ needs, it is important that we consider the needs of the workers who keep the system running. NTWU has been working with the authorities and the public transport operators (PTOs) to make improvements to the work environment of our public transport workers, ie upgrading of rest areas and toilets, ensuring NTWU canteens serve healthy food options etc. The union has also been working closely with partners to help bus workers transition to major changes like the Bus Contracting Model. Transformation to the industry will continue and more can be done.

The recommendations by NTWU to the LTMP 2040 thus focus on enhancing the work environment of our public transport workers, ensuring the safety and health of our workers, preparing them for transformation, as well as building greater commuter support so that we can all promote a better travelling environment for all road users.

NTWU believes firmly that a first-class transport system needs a first-class transport workforce. The recommendations serve to support our workers in their 24/7 work of ensuring that our bus and rail systems are properly maintained and operating efficiently, and providing a pleasant travel experience for commuters.

As the industry transforms, NTWU recognises that current jobs in the industry may change in the years ahead and new jobs would emerge. The union stands ready to continue its work with our tripartite partners to ensure that our workers are well prepared for transformation. The end goal is to level up the competency levels of our transport workforce so that we can together, work towards a first-class transport system.

For full recommendations, refer to Annex A.

Mr Melvin Yong
Executive Secretary
National Transport Workers’ Union
Annex A


Transport workers play an essential role in the delivery of a safe and reliable transport system. As Singapore plans for the future of its land transport system, the National Transport Workers’ Union (NTWU) has been gathering ground feedback from both public rail and bus workers, culminating to a focus group discussion with some 30 union leaders and transport workers on 9 January 2019.

The Union hereby submits our recommendations to the Land Transport Master Plan (LTMP) 2040 Advisory Panel. We hope that the Government can do more to support our workers in the areas of infrastructure, legislation and standards. We urge the public transport operators (PTOs) to invest more in the safety, health and training of our workers; and we look forward to greater support from commuters to help our workers serve them better.

The recommendations focus on:

• Enhancing the work environment of our workers
• Ensuring the safety and health of our workers
• Preparing our workers for transformation
• Building greater commuter support

As we plan for a transport system that caters to commuters’ needs, it is also important that we consider the needs of the workers who keep the system running every day. Over the years, NTWU has been working closely with the Land Transport Authority (LTA) and the PTOs to make improvements to the work environment of our transport workers, e.g. upgrading of staff rest areas and toilet facilities. More can be done.

NTWU proposes the following:

a. Ensure transport infrastructures are built for maintenance – taking into account the safety of workers and ease of maintenance.

b. Implement more full-day bus lanes (including Sundays and public holidays), introduce dedicated lanes for cyclists, and confine road works (particularly along bus lanes) to non-peak hours – to allow bus captains to run the bus services smoothly, efficiently and according to schedule. Cyclists should not cycle on bus lanes as the lane is not wide enough to provide a safety distance between the bus and the cyclist.

c. Explore ways to increase the number of parking lots at existing bus interchanges, and introduce halfway-buses (depart from depot) – to cater to the 1,000+ buses added under the Bus Service Enhancement Programme. Inadequate parking lots at the various bus interchanges often result in bus captains waiting longer than usual to park their vehicles, which eats into their break duration.

d. Establish proper parking lots at train stations for maintenance vehicles – so that maintenance staff do not have to carry heavy equipment from the maintenance vehicle over long distance to get to the required worksite.

e. Extend bus shelters to remove “rain curtain” – so that bus captains (and commuters) do not get drenched during rain when they assist commuters in wheelchair or with strollers to board/alight from the bus.

The safety and health of workers must always be a priority. NTWU strongly believes that healthier workers are happier workers, who in turn are better workers. With rising service standards, it is important that LTA and PTOs work closely with NTWU to balance the needs of bus and rail reliability with the safety and health of workers.

NTWU proposes the following:

a. Consider consequential impact on the workload, stress and fatigue levels of workers – when setting and reviewing service standards. It is important to ensure that workers are given sufficient rest time to avoid fatigue, which may affect a worker’s alertness and vigilance.

b. Harmonise safety standards and practices across PTOs – particularly in rail maintenance work as railway lines become more connected.

c. Ensure better ventilation and visibility in underground tunnels – as stuffy and dark work conditions inhibit the well-being and productivity of workers.

Our public bus and rail networks have expanded significantly in recent years, and they are expected to expand further. With the advent of disruptive technologies such as on-demand services and autonomous vehicles, workers are naturally concerned with how their jobs would change and whether they might be displaced. It is essential that the tripartite partners work closely to ensure that our workers are prepared for transformation in the industry.

NTWU proposes the following:

a. Include training as part of tender requirements – when acquiring new systems and assets so that workers receive the proper training and are equipped with the right skills and knowledge to operate and maintain the systems and assets. The backbone of a first-class transport system is good maintenance.

b. Establish training committees – comprising union leaders and management staff at the company level to identify new jobs and proactively plan for the necessary training to prepare workers for transformation. Transparent training and development plans coupled with good communication efforts will ease workers’ concerns on job security and help them understand how disruption and technologies are impacting their jobs better.

c. Set up a tripartite working committee on the ongoing developmental trials of autonomous buses – to better manage the transition of affected workers should autonomous buses be implemented.

Commuters play an important part in the daily commuting experience. While our transport workers work hard to serve commuters to the best of their abilities, the Union hopes that there can also be greater commuter support to promote a better travelling environment for all.

Occasionally, our workers would encounter difficult or unreasonable commuters who flout the rules, e.g. evading fares, eating on trains, or parking indiscriminately at bus stops. Some have suffered verbal abuse or are physically assaulted when doing their job. Such incidents should not happen and the Union takes a serious view of every abuse case against our workers.

NTWU proposes the following:

a. Promote better respect for public transport professionals – who work hard to keep our land transport systems running. More can be done to enhance public awareness on the work of our public transport workers, as well as on commuter graciousness.

b. Build a community of commuter volunteers – who can be trained as first responders to assist our frontline workers during service disruptions or emergencies.

The LTMP 2040 aims to shape the future of land transport to become one that can efficiently and effectively meet the changing needs of our growing economy and population. NTWU believes firmly that a first-class transport system needs a first-class transport workforce. The recommendations herewith serve to support our workers in their 24/7 work of ensuring that our bus and rail systems are properly maintained and operating efficiently, and providing a pleasant travel experience for commuters.

As the industry transforms, NTWU recognises that current jobs in the industry may change in the years ahead and new jobs would emerge. The Union stands ready to continue its work with our tripartite partners to ensure that our workers are well prepared for transformation. The end goal is to level up the competency levels of our transport workforce so that we can together, work towards a first-class transport system.

Submitted by  : National Transport Workers’ Union
Date               : 10 January 2019
