To effectively match Singaporean professionals, managers, executives and technicians (PMETs) to jobs, Workforce Singapore (WSG) has expanded its suite of career matching services with the appointment of two private sector career matching providers.
Announced on 6 April 2017, this will complement existing career matching services currently provided by WSG and NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) at their respective career centres.
The two-year pilot initiated by WSG is part of the Adapt and Grow initiative and is intended to strengthen both WSG and e2i’s overall capacity to help local jobseekers who are unemployed and actively looking for jobs.
The first provider Ingeus Pte Ltd commenced operations on 3 April 2017 while the second provider, yet to be named by WSG, will start operating at the end of second quarter 2017.
While there will be no change to the way jobseekers go to and receive help at the respective WSG and e2i career centres, the two career matching providers will complement existing operations by taking on cases in which PMET jobseekers have been actively searching for jobs for at least
three months, or have been made redundant.
NTUC This Week understands that with WSG and e2i sharing the same case management system, cases will be randomly assigned to career coaches from the two providers.
“WSG is constantly seeking ways to facilitate more effective job matching between jobseekers and employers. This pilot demonstrates WSG’s commitment to create more avenues and intensify efforts and assist active PMET jobseekers who face challenges in their job search journey,” said WSG Chief Executive Tan Choon Shian.