Model ID: 9bfafc4a-d386-41c5-8b50-a12cc23ddbc3 Sitecore Context Id: 9bfafc4a-d386-41c5-8b50-a12cc23ddbc3;

Empowering Genco Workers

The Union of Power and Gas Employees (UPAGE) is working closely with management partners to help workers cope with the changes in the power generation industry.
Model ID: 9bfafc4a-d386-41c5-8b50-a12cc23ddbc3 Sitecore Context Id: 9bfafc4a-d386-41c5-8b50-a12cc23ddbc3;
By Jonathan Tan 15 Nov 2016
Model ID: 9bfafc4a-d386-41c5-8b50-a12cc23ddbc3 Sitecore Context Id: 9bfafc4a-d386-41c5-8b50-a12cc23ddbc3;

The power generation industry in Singapore is constantly evolving.

Newer, more efficient machines have contributed to a state of overcapacity, where electricity production exceeds demand.

Preparing For Transition

To better understand the challenges facing such power generation companies, or gencos, NTUC Secretary-General (SG) Chan Chun Sing recently visited Senoko Energy on 31 October 2016.

Engaging workers in a dialogue session, SG Chan underscored the importance of having an open mindset towards training and upgrading one’s skills, reskilling and transiting into new opportunities in the future.

In a Facebook post following his visit, SG Chan said: “Technology disrupts and transforms jobs. For more efficient and cost-effective power generation, the electricity retail market has also evolved over the years. In a few years, this market will be fully contestable and that means businesses and households are at liberty to choose which company they want to buy electricity from.

“With disruption, new jobs may be created, while some jobs may become obsolete. The Union for Power and Gas Employees (UPAGE) will work closely with gencos such as Senoko Energy to help our workers be better prepared for tomorrow’s jobs.”

Working In Harmony

“UPAGE and Senoko Energy's labour-management relations has always been positive and constructive,” shared UPAGE General Secretary Abdul Samad Abdul Wahab.

“The management team, led by their CEO Paul Maguire and Verena from Human Resource, has always been supportive of UPAGE and Labour Movement initiatives.”

Sharing the company’s perspective, Verena Poh, the senior vice-president for human resource and corporate services said: “Senoko and UPAGE have been collaborating closely for workers’ continued learning and skills upgrading to stay relevant for personal development and to support corporate strategic development.”