As Singapore strives to be an inclusive society, it is important that we pay special focus on our low-wage workers to help them earn better wages, said NTUC’s Unit for Contract and Casual Workers’ (UCCW) Director Zainal Sapari.
Following its annual outreach seminars, NTUC’s UCCW organised the UCCW Employment Seminar 2012 at the NTUC Auditorium recently.
Participants were informed of the latest changes and updates in employment rights and employers’ obligations, and were also educated on the benefits and importance of being a union member, the social net that the union provides, training opportunities, as well as where to look for jobs with proper statutory benefits.
NTUC’s UCCW has tied-up with various partners such as the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), CPF Board, NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) as well as NTUC LearningHub Private Limited to educate low-wage workers on a series of issues.
“UCCW’s strategy is to work with our partners to educate them about their employment rights and inform them of the various Government initiatives such as Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) and Workfare Training Support (WTS) that could help supplement their income and improve their employability.
“We also encourage them to be union members so that they can get the necessary workplace representation and enjoy the various assistance schemes by NTUC to help our members who are low-wage workers,” added Director Zainal Sapari.
NTUC’s UCCW hopes to reach out to a wider pool of contract and casual workers on an ongoing basis to ensure they are not left out of the economic pie and they know the avenues to look for when in need of assistance.
These seminars will be held in the three vernacular languages. The next seminar is on 2 September. Contract and casual workers who are interested in attending the session can call 6473 4295 to register.