Model ID: f857463a-dc87-4354-8ee0-815546afd0b2 Sitecore Context Id: f857463a-dc87-4354-8ee0-815546afd0b2;

Dr Christopher Lien – Wealth of Experience

Dr Christopher Lien's wealth of experience has helped to contribute to improving NTUC Health's overall quality.
Model ID: f857463a-dc87-4354-8ee0-815546afd0b2 Sitecore Context Id: f857463a-dc87-4354-8ee0-815546afd0b2;
03 Jun 2016
Model ID: f857463a-dc87-4354-8ee0-815546afd0b2 Sitecore Context Id: f857463a-dc87-4354-8ee0-815546afd0b2;

Dr Christopher Lien, director, Board of Directors, of NTUC Health Co-operative Limited, Friend of Labour

Dr Christopher Lien is a senior consultant in geriatric medicine and is the director of community geriatrics at Changi General Hospital. He has been on the Board of Directors at NTUC Health Co-operative Limited since 2009.

Dr Lien has been active in the medical community, performing consultancy work and as a member of various medical communities. These include the National Medicine Reconciliation Workgroup, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School and National Geriatric Services Task Force.

At Singapore’s Academy of Medicine, he also serves as chairman of the Chapter of Geriatricians, College of Physicians.

Dr Lien’s extensive knowledge and experience in geriatric care has helped NTUC Health to expand its care services and improve its overall quality.

Dr Lien’s regard for a high standard of professionalism and practice is in line with the values of NTUC Health and the award is one way of recognising his contributions.

Source: NTUC This Week