The Migrant Workers' Centre (MWC) shares the concerns of our fellow migrant worker NGOs about the plight of former work permit holders (Special Pass Holders) who now have to fend for their own living because of ongoing Work Injury Compensation claims.
MWC stands ready to help all migrant workers who need housing and other subsistence aid such as meals and other living needs without exception. Since establishment MWC has already housed, fed or represented over 7,000 workers. We encourage all needy or destitute migrant workers to approach us for immediate assistance and will follow up with the Ministry of Manpower to expedite the processing of their claims, as well as possible sanctions against their employers for abandoning them.
We note that our Work Injury system is a no-fault system and the process is sometimes unnecessarily delayed by either employer or worker for less-principled reasons. Our experience is that out of the many claimants who approach us for housing and meal support, a handful decline our offer to house them in new and well-appointed dormitory facilities upon learning that it is located further away from the main migrant congregation areas. There are cases where the Special Pass holder prefers the freedom of living alone for the duration and may resort to prohibited employment under an illegal employer to support himself. This only opens the Special Pass Holder to a range of abuses that he cannot protect himself against such as infringements of basic employment conditions, health and safety requirements, and even illegal deployment to prohibited occupations.
We believe that it is important for claimants who are certified fit for work to be allowed to take on temporary employment to sustain themselves while their claims are processed. To this end, MWC has been working with the authorities to avail temporary employment on a conditional basis. MWC is also encouraged that after its repeated calls to authorities, Work Injury cases are now settled within six months.
We urge employers and workers alike not to exploit the Work Injury system for wrongful gain. Most importantly, we urge workers with Work Injury claims to abide by regulations so they do not jeopardise their compensation, future employment, or worse still their health and welfare.
Yeo Guat Kwang
Migrant Workers' Centre