Model ID: 4d332540-7184-47db-ac69-a34998c4f012 Sitecore Context Id: 4d332540-7184-47db-ac69-a34998c4f012;

Debate Speech on Ministerial Statement by Ng Chee Meng Secretary-General, NTUC Minister in Prime Minister Office Member of Parliament for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC on 6 April 2020

NTUC Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng said that NTUC would step up efforts to help all workers during this COVID-19 situation, including the self-employed and freelancers. Our key focus lies in reducing the impact of COVID-19 on the lives and livelihoods of all working people.
Model ID: 4d332540-7184-47db-ac69-a34998c4f012 Sitecore Context Id: 4d332540-7184-47db-ac69-a34998c4f012;
06 Apr 2020
Model ID: 4d332540-7184-47db-ac69-a34998c4f012 Sitecore Context Id: 4d332540-7184-47db-ac69-a34998c4f012;

Sustaining Livelihoods even as We Protect Lives

Mr Speaker, Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Heng Swee Keat has announced a robust supplementary Budget to meet the challenges of COVID-19. These challenges are fast evolving, not only in the world but also in Singapore.

In many ways, we have managed the impact of the first wave of COVID-19. But the second wave has come upon us and the Government has taken more measures to combat the spread.

Protecting lives is of utmost importance and urgency. But this can clash painfully with sustaining livelihoods. It is a difficult and delicate balance.

I have spoken to many on the ground – Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), workers from all walks of life, freelancers – all of them are struggling.

The new ‘circuit breaker’ measures, while protecting lives, will only make things harder for them. But all tell me that while things are difficult, they appreciate what the Singapore Government and Singaporeans are doing together. And I’m sure many will also appreciate the extra help that DPM announced today, on top of the two Budgets, especially the enhanced Job Support Scheme of 75%. They know that these circumstances are challenging, and they are willing to do their part.

However, they want me to help them relay one feedback: they would like to see an increase in the speed of Government assistance.

The Government has pushed out a lot of budgetary help over the past weeks.  Money is on the table. The key now is to put this money, this help, directly into the pockets of ordinary workers and Singaporeans.

The economic impact of COVID-19, as many in this House have said, is unprecedented, and the situation has escalated faster than any of us expected. Through this, we must remain agile and adaptable in responding to the increasing challenges.

Pushing out Financial Assistance to All Singaporeans

Over the last few days, I saw many queuing up for the Temporary Relief Fund. Over 3,000 in my division. For many, it’s the first time they are applying for aid, not something they ever thought they would have to do. They tell me they are more than willing to work to support their families. But now many of them have little choice. And the worry in their voices was frankly heart-breaking. So, I’m glad we hear DPM say today that this money provided for in the different Budgets will be paid out quickly. This will help the ground significantly.

Our financial muscle today in Singapore is not insignificant, thanks to the foresight of our founding fathers. The Government is rolling out other cash support for the months ahead, such as the COVID-19 Support Grant and the Self-Employed Person Income Relief Scheme, or SIRS. Though the support is generous, some freelancers and self-employed have told me they are worried. Why? Because they do not meet the criteria for SIRS so again, I am happy to hear a broadening of criteria for these people, where the Annual Value is raised from $13,000 to $21,000.

I have spoken to Deputy Prime Minister Heng and Manpower Minister Josephine Teo on how we can help the freelancers and self-employed. NTUC will step up to administer the applications and appeals for SIRS. We will try our very best to push for inclusion and make this process as straightforward as possible. I know that many freelancers and self-employed are going through hard times and as such, we in NTUC and the Labour Movement will work to facilitate appeals starting no later than 20 April. We will do our best in this area.

I also hope more will apply for the NTUC Care Fund for COVID-19 in the interim. It is not a large amount, but every little bit counts. We in the Labour Movement want to chip in and help put cash directly into workers’ and freelancers’ hands.

Keeping Workers Employed; Training Up for the Future

More than cash, we must help Singaporeans with their jobs. Earning a decent wage is crucial for survival and paying bills.

The Government is helping many companies to stay liquid and keep their workers. But again, this help must be pushed out quickly, as revenue has dried up for many companies.

As the Labour Chief, I have vested interest in companies’ survival and success, because our workers can only succeed when companies succeed and do well.

NTUC has been engaging CEOs to understand their concerns and see how we can assist. Whether it is about cutting costs to save jobs, accessing Government assistance or job matching their excess workers through our Job Security Council.

I also recently spoke to leaders in the local Aviation and Aerospace sectors to see how they are and what we can do together; and found the conversations very insightful. Despite suffering huge losses, the CEOs are trying their best to keep their workers. For example, cabin crew from SIA are being trained and redeployed for meaningful work such as SG Care and Safe Distancing Ambassadors. This means they can earn some income and at the same time, help in our national COVID-19 efforts.

Also, despite these difficult times, the CEOs are keeping an eye on the future. They are making use of Government support to send their workers for training so that when the upturn eventually comes, our Air sector will be poised and ready for new opportunities.

I hope other employers do their part too. Because their actions will greatly impact how Singapore emerges from this crisis. Companies must keep their workers employed and make use of the support to send workers for training.

In whatever ways NTUC can help, we want to do so. Our objectives across the tripartite partners are the same: sustaining our companies; sustaining our jobs and securing our future. NTUC and unions have been working hard with companies to ensure workers are being fairly treated in this difficult time.

Mr Speaker, in Mandarin pls.


在我和居民、工友、工会领袖和雇主交谈中,他们都表示,这次的预算案能够帮助他们。但他们希望,援助措施能更快地推出、补助金和津贴能更快地给他们。不然,真的是 “远水救不了近火”。


自雇人士的收入也因疫情而大受影响。但是有些却无法符合 “自雇人士收入补贴计划” 的条件。我为此与副总理王瑞杰和杨莉明部长商讨。从今年4月20日起,职总将会帮助这些无法符合条件的自雇人士向政府请愿,让他们也能从计划中受惠。


在这个困难的时期,我相信,只要我们能同甘共苦 、 齐心协力、 克服万难;一定能够走出困境、迈向更光明的未来。

Facing the Test of A Generation

Mr Speaker, let me conclude.

I spoke to a tour guide recently. She thanked me profusely for all the different assistance given to her, whether from Government or NTUC. But in this conversation, what caught my attention was the story she told me about her daughter. She told me her daughter had just returned from overseas. Her daughter saw the difference between Singapore’s way of dealing with COVID-19 through a whole-of-nation approach in tackling the crisis, versus what she experienced overseas. She saw the help that was given to her mother. She saw how Singaporeans came together to help one another. She says, now she realised what it means to be a Singaporean, and that she is proud to be a Singaporean. Currently a 20 something year-old. I believe she has matured tremendously over the last few weeks.

Mr Speaker, this is a value-shaping moment for Singapore. COVID-19 is one of the biggest challenges we have faced to date. The Government, NTUC and employers are working with Singaporeans, to overcome this together.

Let us show who we are: that we are a resilient nation; that we respond to facts and trust our Government and importantly, we have compassion for our neighbours.

Mr Speaker, we are prepared for this fight and we will pull through this crisis together.

I support the budget.

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