Some 70 participants from the creative and media field and 12 employers gathered on 30 October 2017 for a networking night. The event, which was organised by NTUC’s PIVOT programme with support from the Creative Media and Publishing Union (CMPU) and Singapore Union of Broadcasting Employees (SUBE), aims to help displaced professionals find job opportunities.
Employers who attended also went around in a round robin format to provide more information about their companies and job offerings.
“We are looking for editorial and social media marketing managers. As a HR company, our training materials need to be constantly enhanced and converted into an interactive format for e-learning. Writing skills and advertising experience will be very beneficial, but what’s most important is that they are willing to learn,” said Jeffrey Pramudita, associate director of Human Capital Singapore, an U Associate.
About 46 participants were unemployed or freelancing, including some whom were recently retrenched by Singapore Press Holdings.
“I love my job and plan to pursue it by setting up a production company with an ex-colleague. To do so, I will need support crew and companies to work with. I’m hoping to know more people and explore different platforms through this event,” said Chooi Mei Peng, 56, a MediaCorp producer who was retrenched in August 2017.
All participants were invited to apply for any of the 116 job vacancies put together by PIVOT through the NTUC U PME Centre.
There were about 10,000 Singapore job openings in the creative, media and entertainment industry posted in the last four months, according to LinkedIn Lead Data Scientist Akash who spoke at the event. The finance, software and IT services and manufacturing sectors had the most hiring numbers.