Model ID: 399508c7-32dc-409d-a685-825e0a7216b9 Sitecore Context Id: 399508c7-32dc-409d-a685-825e0a7216b9;

Covid-19: Stricter Measures to Limit Large Gatherings

The Government will impose stricter measures to limit large gatherings outside of work and school.
Model ID: 399508c7-32dc-409d-a685-825e0a7216b9 Sitecore Context Id: 399508c7-32dc-409d-a685-825e0a7216b9;
By Ian Tan Hanhonn 24 Mar 2020
Model ID: 399508c7-32dc-409d-a685-825e0a7216b9 Sitecore Context Id: 399508c7-32dc-409d-a685-825e0a7216b9;

The Multi-Ministry Taskforce will be enforcing stricter measures to limit gatherings outside of work and school to 10 persons or fewer with effect from 26 March 2020, by 2359 hours.

This was announced by National Development Minister Lawrence Wong during Multi-Ministry Taskforce Press Conference on 24 March 2020.

Mr Wong stated: “We are urging all Singaporeans to take these measures seriously.”

“We are going to limit gatherings outside of work and schools to 10 persons or fewer, and ensure that physical distancing of at least 1 metre can be achieved in settings where interactions are non-transient.”

The measures are expected to be in place till 30 April 2020, and may be extended if the situation does not improve.


Existing measures for workplaces will still apply. Employers should put in place measures to reduce close physical interactions amongst employees.

Tele-conferencing should be used in place of physical meetings wherever possible.

Entertainment Venues

The Government will be closing venues where there is high risk of transmission due to sustained close contact over a period of time.

This will include all bars and entertainment venues like night clubs, discos, cinemas, theatres and karaoke outlets.

Other public venues such as retail malls, museums and attractions where contact is more transient may remain open.

Tuition and Enrichment Centres

All centre-based tuition and enrichment classes will be suspended. This is to reduce the intermingling of students from different schools and enhance the safety of students.

Religious Services

All religious services and congregations will be suspended. Places of worship may remain open for private worship and essential rites, subject to group sizes of 10 persons of fewer at any given time.


All events and mass gatherings such as conferences, exhibitions, festivals, concerts, sporting events and trade fairs, must be deferred or cancelled, regardless of size.

This is a further tightening of the previous requirement of fewer than 250 participants.

Traveling Overseas

From 27 March 2020, any Singapore Resident, Permanent Resident or Long-Term Pass holder who disregards the travel advisory the Government has in place will not be given subsidised rates at hospitals should they contract the virus later on.

Health Minister Gan Kim Yong said: “Singapore citizens would also not be able to claim from Medishield Life or Integrated Shield Plans for these treatments, both public and private.”

For the latest advisories on the Covid-19 situation, visit for more details.