Model ID: 1fc1caf5-31dc-47ee-b0e4-b64a9a57fb7f Sitecore Context Id: 1fc1caf5-31dc-47ee-b0e4-b64a9a57fb7f;

Covid-19: MWC Turns Its Focus to Protect Migrant Workers in Smaller Housing Facilities

Some 43 factory-converted dormitories are the first to benefit from care packs distributed by MWC.
Model ID: 1fc1caf5-31dc-47ee-b0e4-b64a9a57fb7f Sitecore Context Id: 1fc1caf5-31dc-47ee-b0e4-b64a9a57fb7f;
By Fawwaz Baktee 18 Apr 2020
Model ID: 1fc1caf5-31dc-47ee-b0e4-b64a9a57fb7f Sitecore Context Id: 1fc1caf5-31dc-47ee-b0e4-b64a9a57fb7f;

The Migrant Workers’ Centre (MWC) will now turn its focus and efforts to protect migrant workers in the smaller housing facilities and factory-converted dormitories (FCD) against the Covid-19 situation.

Since the start of the circuit breaker, MWC has used its grassroots network of MWC Ambassadors to support the inter-agency taskforce in rectifying issues in the larger purpose-built dormitories (PBD).

Meanwhile, there are still over 1,100 FCDs and other smaller migrant-worker facilities that house over 120,000 migrant workers in Singapore.

“As compared to PBDs, FCDs may lack the resources to implement proper precautionary measures. Given their more urgent needs, MWC will be directing resources and help towards the migrant workers in FCDs first, prioritising those dormitories where confirmed COVID-19 cases might arise,” said MWC. 

All dormitories have come under stricter movement controls since the announcement of the circuit breaker.

Care Pack Distribution

NTUC Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng was at the MWC Recreation Centre on 18 April 2020 to help with the first batch of care-pack distribution to 43 FCD operators. The care packs will benefit 10,600 migrant workers.

The care packs include essential supplies such as soaps, hand sanitisers, and reusable and disposable masks.

MWC is also working on getting additional toiletries like shaving and oral hygiene kits for the migrant workers.

Working with the Dormitory Association of Singapore Limited (DASL) and MOM, MWC has completed the distribution of 370,000 reusable masks to all migrant workers living in the dormitories across Singapore.

Mr Ng extended his appreciation to the dormitory operators for their hard work during this crucial period.

He added: “The efforts in the larger dorms are in full fledge … However, it is not only in the larger dorms that we are concerned about, but it is also in the smaller FCDs. If we take care of our hygiene, keep our hands clean and practice social distancing measures in the circuit breaker, we are confident that the numbers can come down in a few weeks.”

Volunteers Come Together

Over a span of one week, more than 300 volunteers from NTUC, NTUC-affiliated unions and associations, as well as corporate volunteer Harry’s Singapore came together to help mix, bottle and pack over 60,000 bottles of hand sanitisers.

The exercise will continue until enough bottles are produced for every migrant worker in the FCDs to have their own bottle, said MWC.

“To our union leaders, NTUC staff and employer volunteers in MWC, we are very thankful. What we are doing in terms of protecting lives and livelihoods, putting Singaporeans and foreign friends together as one united effort, is a tremendous boost. When we can hold ourselves together, take care of our neighbours and ourselves, in a Singaporean spirit kind of way, we know we can overcome Covid-19,” said Mr Ng.