Model ID: f1909976-6191-409e-9c7d-4249c629d7b1 Sitecore Context Id: f1909976-6191-409e-9c7d-4249c629d7b1;

Covid-19: List of Companies under Essential Services to be Further Tightened

The Government plans to further tighten the list of companies under essential services to minimise the number of people having to travel for work.
Model ID: f1909976-6191-409e-9c7d-4249c629d7b1 Sitecore Context Id: f1909976-6191-409e-9c7d-4249c629d7b1;
By Ian Tan Hanhonn 14 Apr 2020
Model ID: f1909976-6191-409e-9c7d-4249c629d7b1 Sitecore Context Id: f1909976-6191-409e-9c7d-4249c629d7b1;

The Government intends to further tighten the list of companies under essential services to further reduce the number of people having to travel for work.

This was announced by National Development Minister Lawrence Wong during the Multi-Ministry Taskforce Press Conference on 14 April 2020.

Currently, around 20 per cent of the workforce is still continuing to travel for work under the current Circuit Breaker measures.

Mr Wong stated: “We will now proceed to look at the list of companies that are still classified as essential services, and we will tighten this list further.

“This is with the objective of reducing further, people who still need to work so that more can stay at home.”

Masks Mandatory with Immediate Effect

Mr Wong also mentioned that during this period, the Government will now make it mandatory for everyone who steps out of their home to wear a mask, with some exemptions.

Exemptions include children under the age of two, based on medical experts’ recommendation.

People who are performing strenuous exercises in public areas may remove their masks while doing so but will have to don their masks once they are done with their exercises.

The wearing of masks may continue even after the Circuit Breaker ceases.

Mr Wong reminded not to use the wearing of masks as an excuse to leave home as and when one pleases.

He stated: “Practice good hand hygiene and stay at home as much as possible.”