Model ID: 8710d3ee-1e21-405f-b87c-6ed3b12ad266 Sitecore Context Id: 8710d3ee-1e21-405f-b87c-6ed3b12ad266;

Concorde Security: Changing Perceptions And Creating Value Through Productivity

NTUC This Week zooms in on Concorde Security Pte Ltd, a security company addressed challenges in hiring and retaining staff through the Inclusive Growth Programme (IGP) administered by NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute).
Model ID: 8710d3ee-1e21-405f-b87c-6ed3b12ad266 Sitecore Context Id: 8710d3ee-1e21-405f-b87c-6ed3b12ad266;
By Jonathan Tan 14 Nov 2016
Model ID: 8710d3ee-1e21-405f-b87c-6ed3b12ad266 Sitecore Context Id: 8710d3ee-1e21-405f-b87c-6ed3b12ad266;

Incorporated in 1997, Concorde Security provides guarding services to building facilities in Singapore. The company employs some 150 staff.

Exploring possible solutions to revamp the manner in which certain security job tasks were completed helped reduce the long working hours, add value to the job, and further increased the wages of security officers.


Concorde faced difficulties in hiring and retaining their security officers. This was largely due to unfavourable working hours comprising 12-hour shifts for six days a week, and the poor public perception of security officers.


Collaboration with industry partners saw Concorde implement the Innovative Security Guarding Solution (ISGS). The ISGS sought to revamp the way Concorde delivered security services to buildings during weekday evenings, weekends and public holidays.

Instead of having night shift security officers stationed at the buildings, the ISGS allowed for simultaneous remote monitoring of a cluster of five to six buildings within close proximity by a three-man team.

This was made possible with the installation of customised security systems in participating buildings.

Monitoring of the buildings are now carried out by a three-man team operating out of a specially designed van with an Intelligent Facility Sprinter (IFS).

The IFS remotely monitors and controls various components in a building, including the closed-circuit cameras, the Visitor Management System, fire alarm panels, lift control panels, electrical switch rooms, water sprinklers and other aspects usually manually overseen by the security officer on duty.

The teams are also trained to handle both surveillance roles and responding to incidents.