Model ID: 37514385-6d01-4cd7-8d35-99ae1544c8ad Sitecore Context Id: 37514385-6d01-4cd7-8d35-99ae1544c8ad;

Concerted Efforts to Uplift the Cleaning Industry

Joint Media Release with Ministry of Manpower (MOM), Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA), National Environment Agency (NEA) and National Trades Union Congress (NTUC).
Model ID: 37514385-6d01-4cd7-8d35-99ae1544c8ad Sitecore Context Id: 37514385-6d01-4cd7-8d35-99ae1544c8ad;
01 Nov 2010
Model ID: 37514385-6d01-4cd7-8d35-99ae1544c8ad Sitecore Context Id: 37514385-6d01-4cd7-8d35-99ae1544c8ad;

21 Jul 2010

1 As part of a concerted effort to raise the productivity of low-wage workers and improve public hygiene standards, the Government and the Labour Movement are taking a holistic approach to revamp the cleaning sector. This includes the following:

a. the launch of a new voluntary accreditation scheme for the cleaning industry by the National Environment Agency (NEA) which recognises companies that deliver higher standards of cleaning through proper training of workers, use of proper equipment, and good human resource practices;

b. for the service buyers, the National Trades Union Congress‟ Unit for Contract and Casual Workers (UCCW) and e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) will promote best sourcing initiatives so that service buyers will give stronger emphasis on quality rather than just price;

c. for cleaning service providers, NTUC will implement a new $2.5 million automation and mechanisation grant scheme to encourage them to undergo the accreditation process and defray the cost of equipment purchase; and

d. for the workers, the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) will roll out a new Environmental Cleaning Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) framework to upgrade their skills and develop a progression path for the cleaning workforce.

2. The cleaning industry has a workforce size of 140,3001. Workers in the sector mostly earn low wage, hence the sector has been a key focus area for the Government and Labour Movement. The slew of breakthrough initiatives was a result of extensive consultation work amongst the relevant Government agencies, Labour Movement and industry players. These initiatives were shared with over 400 guests at Cleaners' Day 2010 on 21 July 2010, an event organised by UCCW and supported by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), WDA and NEA.

Accreditation Scheme for the Industry
3. After consultations with industry partners2, the Accreditation Scheme was developed by NEA, MOM, WDA and NTUC to elevate the overall cleaning standards, professionalism and productivity of the cleaning industry which will help to further improve the standard of public hygiene in Singapore. It is also important that the public plays its part by practising good hygiene habits and responsible social behaviour to contribute to this thrust.

4. As the accreditation body, NEA will be assessing cleaning service providers in four areas, namely professional and regulatory standards; environmental health and cleanliness standards; operation planning, support and delivery; and training, quality of manpower and general working conditions. Accredited cleaning companies will be awarded either a “Clean Mark Silver” or a “Clean Mark Gold” if they are able to meet additional and more stringent training requirements. 

5. The accreditation scheme will be rolled out progressively, starting with a one-year pilot scheme. During the pilot phase, the focus will be on cleaning companies that tender for general cleaning contracts of conservancy areas such as town council areas and public areas; commercial buildings; and food and beverage establishments. It is estimated that there are approximately 1,400 cleaning companies providing general cleaning services in these three sectors. To encourage companies to apply for accreditation during the pilot phase, the accreditation fee of $500 will be waived for one year till 31 July 2011.

Recognition by Service Buyers
6. NTUC's e2i and NEA have been actively promoting the scheme to service buyers, as their support and recognition of the accreditation mark is critical to the success of the scheme. Among the government agencies who have given their support are the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, Ministry of National Development, Ministry of Education (MOE), Housing and Development Board, Singapore Land Authority, Singapore Tourism Board and National Arts Council. In the case of MOE, it had stated the need for accreditation as one of the critical criteria for evaluation in its latest tender for new cleaning contractors which provide cleaning services for its 360 schools.

7. Other service buyers from public and private sectors that have expressed support to engage services from accredited cleaning companies include JTC Corporation, People's Action Party (PAP) Town Councils, City Developments Limited, One Marina Property Services Private Limited, NTUC Foodfare Cooperative Limited and NTUC Fairprice Co-operative Limited.

Grant for Cleaning Service Providers
8. At the service providers' end, cleaning companies that are seeking accreditation and investing in new cleaning machinery or equipment are eligible to receive funding up to 50% of actual purchase cost, capped at $50,000 per company. To support this, NTUC is setting aside $2.5 million, administered by NTUC's e2i, to support the first 50 cleaning companies seeking accreditation and making efforts to raise productivity and improve the pay of cleaning workers.

Better Training for Workers
9. A key aim of the accreditation scheme is to ensure that the workforce of cleaning companies receive relevant training that will raise their skills level, productivity, earning capacity and professionalism through the Environmental Cleaning Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ). In support of the accreditation scheme, WDA has worked closely with the Environmental Management Association of Singapore, NEA, Town Councils, NTUC, employers and training providers to develop the Environmental Cleaning WSQ framework. With the rollout of the WSQ, the Cleaning National Skills Recognition System (NSRS) with be replaced with effect from 1 July 2010.

10. Under the Environmental Cleaning WSQ, there will be a proper progression pathway for cleaning workers, and more training programmes to cater to cleaning workers of all levels such as cleaning crews, stewards and supervisors, in various cleaning sub-sectors. To-date, WDA has reached out to more than 50 cleaning companies, and more than 100 cleaners have been trained since the rollout of the courses in June 2010. The pioneer batch of certified cleaning crew, from four major cleaning companies 3 and NEA, has successfully completed their WSQ training; and all 39 of them received their certificates at the Cleaners‟ Day 2010 event.
