Closing session: Youths for a Competitive and Inclusive Singapore (Ycis) Forum Series 2008
25 September 2008
Theme: Singapore Shining
1 For the past three Saturdays from 6 September 2008, participants of the Youths for a Competitiveness and Inclusive Singapore (YCiS) Forum series 2008 went through a series of dialogue sessions and learning journeys to Jurong Island and Voluntary Welfare Organisation, Pertapis Homes. From these sessions, they gained insights into Singapore’s pressing efforts in its economic and social development in the fast-changing global landscape.
2 Having attended sharing sessions with guest speakers from the Economic Development Board (EDB), Singapore Tourism Board (STB), Workforce Development Agency (WDA), and with social activists Mr Alfie Othman and Dr Wong Meng Ee, participants were inspired from their vast experiences and candid accounts of success stories. “It was fantastic to learn of the transformations that Singapore underwent in the past years. For example, at the learning journey to Jurong Island, we were educated on how the barren land would be developed to create jobs. Such exciting plans make me feel proud of Singapore, and it has inspired me to self-improve. I am interested to further my studies or train so that I can also be part of the exciting service industry in the future,” said 33 year-old participant Gary Harris. Another participant, Valli Samugam, also aged 33, was very keen to attend the closing forum on 27 September 2008. “I was impressed with the personal stories that the guest speakers shared during the opening session. I am definitely looking forward to a stimulating exchange of thought-provoking opinions again at the closing forum!”
Closing Session of YCiS Forum Series 2008
3 Following the theme for this year - “Singapore Shining”, three guest speakers, who are also role-models in their own field, will share with participants their personal journeys and contributions to the society. At the closing of the YCiS Forum series, CEO of Apex-Pal International Ltd Mr. Douglas Foo, A*STAR research scientist Dr Lisa Ng and Chief Executive of Mercy Relief Ltd Mr. Hassan Ahmad, will also share their motivation behind their dreams and hopes for the future of Singapore. The event highlight is the dialogue session with Minister for Defence Teo Chee Hean, who will share his take on the values and attributes that working youths of today might need to make a positive impact on the Singapore society.
4 Young NTUC members are also continually inspired to shine in terms of their contributions to their work, families and communities. Three such examples are Henry Tay Seng Poh, aged 35, Majorie Kee, aged 34 and Mohamad Nazir Sani, aged 34, whom possess the qualities to be an inspiration to their fellow members. Although they are involved with Young NTUC activities in different ways, they are all dynamic individuals who share the same undying spirit for volunteerism. Please refer to Annex A for their full profiles.
5 NTUC Assistant Secretary-General and Young NTUC Advisor Mrs Josephine Teo said, "We organised YCiS to enable young unionists to better appreciate the challenges faced in Singapore, both economically and socially. At the same time, we hope to inspire them to continue to contribute to the labour movement. The responses have been very encouraging. For example, we see more Young NTUC members driven by the passion to take up volunteering. Our activists have piloted some projects and will scale them up to provide others with more opportunities to participate."
1) Henry Tay Seng Poh, aged 35
A man full of zest, Henry Tay is a right fit at F&N Coca-Cola working as a production supervisor. In the year 1996 that he joined F&N, he also joined the Food, Drinks and Allied Workers’ Union (FDAWU) as a member. His union leaders spotted his bubbly nature and recommended him to join Young FDAWU, the union’s youth chapter.
Due to his free-flowing ideas and enthusiasm in his union’s activities, he was soon nominated to sit in the Young NTUC Committee. He is not only active in interacting and working with youths, but is also fervent about playing pool. His passion led him to start an interest group with a structured programme for other young people who shared the same interest. He eventually became the Team Manager for Black 8, Young NTUC’s pool affinity group. However, this success did not come easy as they had no big name player in their midst to attract any big time coach. Henry’s job also required him to work shifts which often left him in an unpredictable schedule. Despite this, Henry was able to successfully start the group from scratch and keep up with his commitment to his work, social life and Young NTUC activities. A responsible leader, he is now looked up upon as a big brother to many of the younger Young NTUC members.
2) Majorie Kee, aged 34
Her stage debut was as a bee back in kindergarten, but that alone inspired her to continue to pursue her interest in the performing arts. A committed member of Team Young NTUC p.L.a.Y! - Performing with Love, by Active Youths - Marjorie saw her first Labour Movement performance as part of the cast of “A Labour of Love”; the musical put up by Young NTUC as part of the 2007 May Day festivities.
Working as an Administrative and Finance manager in a construction company, Majorie makes time for her passion, and has been actively involved with p.L.a.Y! activities. She has also wowed audiences at major labour movement events, from the farewell party for Immediate Past Secretary General Lim Boon Heng, to NTUC’s Workplan Seminar and the NTUC National Delegates’ Conference.
Through her involvement, she has taken away many fulfilling experiences and forged new friendships. As such, Majorie feels that affinity groups like p.L.a.Y! have an important role to play in creating awareness of the labour movement’s significance to youths. She also encourages new members to fully develop their potential in p.L.a.Y!, while sharing with them tips on balancing work, live and play.
3) Mohamad Nazir Sani, aged 34
A passionate man, Md Nazir believes that it is passion that gives him the drive to do things beyond his core job. Joining Senoko Power Ltd in 1996 as a Technical Officer, Nazir also balances his work with a dedication towards improving the lives of fellow workers through his involvement with the Union of Power and Gas Employees (UPAGE) as a branch delegate. With his drive, he has also spearheaded many activities of Young UPAGE (the union’s youth chapter) since it’s formation in March 2007.
Over the past year, Nazir has established Young UPAGE in fun and innovative ways and has seen the youth chapter grow to over 300 members. On top of his Young UPAGE, Nazir also participates actively in Young NTUC activities and represents Young UPAGE in the Young NTUC committee. Inspired by the dynamic youth culture in Young NTUC, Nazir now wants to harness the energy and create the same vibrancy in Young UPAGE.
A loving husband and a father of two, Nazir epitomizes the life of many a dedicated unionist who has to balance work, union activism and family. Always someone who believes in self-improvement, Nazir is currently taking a part-time Diploma in Employment Relations at the Ong Teng Cheong Institute of Labour Studies.