Model ID: 81076a19-1b71-4af4-a3c1-94a7f891eb58 Sitecore Context Id: 81076a19-1b71-4af4-a3c1-94a7f891eb58;

Civil Servants to Receive 0.35-month Mid-year Bonus

Civil servants in grades equivalent to MX13(I) and MX14 will receive an additional $200, while those in grades equivalent to MX15, MX16 and Operations Support Scheme (OSS) Grades III to V will receive $400.
Model ID: 81076a19-1b71-4af4-a3c1-94a7f891eb58 Sitecore Context Id: 81076a19-1b71-4af4-a3c1-94a7f891eb58;
By Ian Tan Hanhonn 20 Jun 2022
Model ID: 81076a19-1b71-4af4-a3c1-94a7f891eb58 Sitecore Context Id: 81076a19-1b71-4af4-a3c1-94a7f891eb58;

After close consultation with the public sector unions, the Public Service Division (PSD) has announced a 0.35-month mid-year bonus for civil servants on 20 June 2022.

In deriving at the quantum, the Government said that it has taken Singapore’s 2022 GDP growth, which is likely to be at the lower half of the 3.0 to 5.0 per cent forecast range, into consideration.

Additionally, civil servants in grades equivalent to MX13(I) and MX14 will be receiving an additional one-time payment of $200.

Civil servants in grades equivalent to MX15, MX16, and in Operations Support Scheme (OSS) Grades III to V will receive a higher one-time payment of $400.

The Government says it deeply appreciates the hard work and contribution of all public officers.

Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE) General Secretary Sanjeev Kumar Tiwari said that the union is agreeable to moderated mid-year bonus for civil servants.

He said: “Given the current economic uncertainties, geopolitical tensions and inflationary pressures, we appreciate the moderate increase in the mid-year annual variable component (AVC) compared with last year's mid-year AVC, with more for the junior and lower income officers.

“We hope that things will turn around so that there will be better outcomes at the end of the year.”

NTUC Deputy Secretary-General Cham Hui Fong said that the mid-year AVC payout is a timely recognition of our civil servants' dedication during the pandemic.

She said: “NTUC also urges employers and employees, from both the public and private sectors, to constantly transform themselves so that they remain competitive and seize opportunities. This should lead to better business and work prospects so that in the longer term, it leads to higher productivity and better wages.”

For this year-end’s AVC payment(s), the Government will take into consideration the National Wages Council’s guidelines and will also continue to monitor the economic situation closely.

The year-end AVC will be announced later this year.