Model ID: f0fb5ba7-225e-47cb-8e36-96bfe4518cad Sitecore Context Id: f0fb5ba7-225e-47cb-8e36-96bfe4518cad;

Chua Sock Koong - Collaborative Partnership

Miss Chua Sock Koong has consistently fostered a proactive and collaborative partnership with the Union of Telecoms Employees of Singapore (UTES)
Model ID: f0fb5ba7-225e-47cb-8e36-96bfe4518cad Sitecore Context Id: f0fb5ba7-225e-47cb-8e36-96bfe4518cad;
23 May 2016
Model ID: f0fb5ba7-225e-47cb-8e36-96bfe4518cad Sitecore Context Id: f0fb5ba7-225e-47cb-8e36-96bfe4518cad;

Miss Chua Sock Koong has consistently fostered a proactive and collaborative partnership with the Union of Telecoms Employees of Singapore (UTES), laying a strong foundation to promote the well-being of employees, facilitate employee development and support business growth of Singtel’s Singapore operations.

Miss Chua has been very encouraging of UTES’ initiatives towards improving the lives and working conditions of its members. She is also a supporter of Labour Movement initiatives. For example, ahead of legislative changes to the Industrial Relations Act, Singtel took the lead to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with UTES to allow Singtel professionals, managers and executives to join UTES for limited representation on an individual basis.

Singtel has contributed annually towards the NTUC U Care Fund and joint Singtel-UTES Bursary Awards. Singtel has also been pro-family, implementing family-friendly policies such as flexible work arrangements, telecommuting and various forms of family leave arrangements.

Besides fully supporting the Government’s recent calls to introduce additional paternity leave for working fathers, Singtel has also signed the Employers’ Pledge of Fair Employment Practices with the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices.

Source: NTUC This Week