Model ID: 066e0b14-5f22-4bef-bb49-a4019ce24c7d Sitecore Context Id: 066e0b14-5f22-4bef-bb49-a4019ce24c7d;

Central Committee: Happy New Year!

The newly-elected Central Committee expresses their new year greetings in this special report. Read on to find out more!
Model ID: 066e0b14-5f22-4bef-bb49-a4019ce24c7d Sitecore Context Id: 066e0b14-5f22-4bef-bb49-a4019ce24c7d;
By Compiled Naseema Banu Maideen, Gwen Sin, Vanessa Teo, Muneerah Bee Mohamed Iqbal and Joshua Joseph 03 Jan 2012
Model ID: 066e0b14-5f22-4bef-bb49-a4019ce24c7d Sitecore Context Id: 066e0b14-5f22-4bef-bb49-a4019ce24c7d;



“A blessed and fruitful new year to all members and their families - Good Health, Happiness and Success for 2012.”

NTUC President Diana Chia

“My wish for 2012 is for our workers to earn better wages through better productivity collaboration and to have more companies embarking on our National Productivity Drive.”

NTUC Secretary for Financial Affairs Lim Kuang Beng
“At the start of every year, we have a new year to look forward to, and one more year of history and experience to learn from.  For 2012, we have a lot to look forward to, because this is the start towards our LM2015 vision for Better Jobs for All, LM for All, and Tripartism for All.  At the same time, we now have 51 years of NTUC’s history to learn from.  51 years span across 2 or 3 generations, which means every one of us need to learn from preceding or succeeding generations, in order to fully appreciate how precious Tripartism is for Singapore and Singaporeans, and how it should evolve to suit the aspirations and hopes of the young. Happy New Year.”

NTUC Deputy Secretary-General Ong Ye Kung
“2012 will be a busy and challenging year; the newly elected CC (of which about half are newly elected) will need take time to gel and norm. In addition, some of us who has taken on new roles will have to shoulder more responsibilities, learn quickly on the job and live up to the expectations of our fellow union leaders who have elected us. I am confident that working together we can surmount all obstacles and credibly serve the workers of Singapore!”

Singapore Teachers’ Union General Secretary Edwin Lye
"While we continue to do the routine, we should look out for the widening of the wage gap and do more for the lower wage workers. We will reach the ideal, when we do not need to distribute any hand-outs for the low wage workers and they have progressed to better wage and all union members are moved to a higher pedestal.”

United Workers of Petroleum Industry General Secretary K. Karthikeyan

“As we usher in the new year 2012 with many global uncertainties, I wish that with our excellent tripartism, our economy will continue to do well, with more jobs created and more older workers re-employed.”

Singapore Insurance Employees’ Union (SIEU) President Terry Lee
“Though we face an uncertain global economic environment, we will work with our tripartite partners to achieve productivity improvements and real wage increases that are sustainable for our workers and hope that any crisis would not be prolonged.”

SIA Engineering Company Engineers and Executives Union (SEEU)General Secretary Ong Hwee Liang
“We are expecting a slowdown in the economy in 2012, and I look forward to the Government and management working closely with the unions and the Labour Movement to strengthen tripartism so that we can preserve jobs and find ways to help the low wage workers. Wishing everyone a Happy Blessed 2012 with Good Health and Happiness."

Singapore Maritime Officers’ Union (SMOU) Executive Mary Liew
“As we brace for the many new challenges the new year brings, my biggest wish will be that more of our workers take up the gauntlet to upgrade and embrace additional skills to retain their relevance and employability. With the new law kicking in to help older workers retain their employability beyond their retirement age, it becomes even more imperative that all workers, young and old alike, work and upgrade in order to live their lives in a balanced and fruitful way.”

Food, Drinks and Allied Workers’ Union (FDAWU) General Secretary Tan Hock Soon
“Come what may in 2012, let us celebrate the new year and embrace every opportunity to do good. Three cheers to Higher Productivity, Higher
Wages and Higher Happiness Quotient! Happy New Year!”

The Singapore Manual & Mercantile Workers’ Union (SMMWU) President Andy Lim
“My wish for 2012 is for the world economy to have a better turn for the best. I hope that we will continue to create better jobs with better incomes and better working environments. I also hope that we will continue strengthening our tripartism so that our Labour Movement can help to look after workers from all spectrums of the society like the lower income earners, and also reach out to the growing group of
Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs).”

United Workers of Electronics and Electrical Industries (UWEEI) President Francis Lim
“2012 is going to be a challenging year, and Singapore's economy will be affected one way or the other. My wish for the new team is to work together as one and be ready for the challenges ahead. We should have the courage to do what is right to save jobs and see to a real wage increase across all sectors of the workforce. It’s not going to be easy and would need a lot of hard work and sacrifices. I also hope that the
new team can continue to build on the good work done by our Flow On leaders.”

Arasu Duraisamy, Singapore Port Workers’ Union (SPWU) Second Deputy General Secretary
“I wish all sisters and brothers in the Labour Movement A Happy 2012! May this new year give us the energy and strength to do even more for
our valuable members.”

Attractions, Resorts & Entertainment Union (AREU) President Hassan Abdullah
“2012 will be a year with full of challenges for the Labour Movement, with the uncertain global economy and expectations of a slow growth for Singapore. I wish we will be able to pull through this difficult situation.”

Metal Industries Workers' Union (MIWU) President Toh Hock Poh
“My wish for 2012 is that we will be able to achieve the National Productivity Target (NPT) band of two to three per cent in addition to good employment and economic growth. These would translate to real good wage increase especially for the low-income workers.”

Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE) General Secretary Ma Wei Cheng
“As Singapore is bracing itself for another economic slowdown, my wish is that more can be done to enhance the various social safety nets for needy Singaporeans, including the middle income group.”

Port Officers’ Union (POU) President Benjamin Tang

