Model ID: d840d50a-66d8-4994-bffe-b74c5d310266 Sitecore Context Id: d840d50a-66d8-4994-bffe-b74c5d310266;

Career Guidance For Youths

NTUC partners the People’s Association to offer more youths career support.
Model ID: d840d50a-66d8-4994-bffe-b74c5d310266 Sitecore Context Id: d840d50a-66d8-4994-bffe-b74c5d310266;
By and Photo Jonathan Tan 30 Apr 2017
Model ID: d840d50a-66d8-4994-bffe-b74c5d310266 Sitecore Context Id: d840d50a-66d8-4994-bffe-b74c5d310266;

As part of the U Career Network, NTUC has partnered the People’s Association (PA) to engage youths on their career journeys through coaching, mentoring, workshops and talks.

Something For All Youths

Dubbed 'Todo Todo', the programme is targeted at youths up to the ages of 35. These include fresh graduates in search of their first job and young professionals, managers and executives who are looking to progress, or transition further, in their careers.

More than 200 youths turned up for the programme's launch at Our Tampines Hub on 30 April 2017. The programme hopes to reach out to more than 10,000 youths and has started its outreach efforts in Singapore’s North-East district.

“With Todo Todo, we will bring together the resources of the People’s Association, the resources of NTUC, and the resources of our community and business partners to provide mentorship and career guidance for our young people.

“We also hope that as you walk through your life journey, you will be able to join NTUC’s U Career Network to help you navigate life’s challenges. We hope that you will develop a lifelong partnership so that wherever you are; whatever career or business you may be in; you will always have access to career guidance and mentorship by the network,” said NTUC Secretary-General Chan Chun Sing, who was guest-of-honour.

The ‘Todo Todo’ Journey

Focused on enabling young working people to achieve their career aspirations in both the short- and long-term, the programme takes a two-pronged approach centred around a 'Explore, Excite, Equip and Embark' theme.

The first prong is via a ‘’ mobile application and website which has a range of career-related resources and event listings that can be conveniently accessed at any time.

The second is through Young NTUC’s Youth Career Network which offers career mentorship. For a start, 30 volunteer guides from a range of industries will work with participating youths over a four-month period to share knowledge, experience and offer encouragement.

Volunteer career guide Lionel Loh, an engineer from the petrolchemical sector, shared: “I was inspired to volunteer by the belief that I can make a difference and contribute, in my own way back to the community just like how my own mentors did for me. Their experience sharing had, at many times, been very insightful and provided me a clearer path when I encountered difficult career crossroads. Ultimately, I believe it is for a worthy and meaningful cause and it is a uniquely fun way to make new friends and learn from one another!”

"Todo Todo is an important milestone because it puts in place forces from NTUC and PA to help young Singaporeans navigate the workplace. We know that the economy is changing very quickly and looking for jobs can be challenging. But this long-term system will allow our younger Singaporeans to first find out their interests, find a career of choice, and also be helped by a team of volunteer career guides who will guide them in real-time and with real-world experience on how to succeed in their individual careers.

“This is something for the long haul, and we hope that it will help Singaporeans achieve their goals in a meaningful and purposeful way. Today we have launched it in Tampines and we hope to be able to reach out to nine other GRCs (Group Representation Constituencies) over the next three years,” said Young NTUC Executive Secretary Desmond Choo.

Youths who want to know more about how they can receive career mentorship can email hello(at)