Model ID: 5df45493-e5d1-4339-b4b0-265052541429 Sitecore Context Id: 5df45493-e5d1-4339-b4b0-265052541429;

COVID-19: Singapore to Proceed with Easing of Community Measures; Government to Pilot Home Isolation for Vaccinated COVID-19 Patients

The announcements come after local COVID-19 situation continues to stabilise.
Model ID: 5df45493-e5d1-4339-b4b0-265052541429 Sitecore Context Id: 5df45493-e5d1-4339-b4b0-265052541429;
By Ian Tan Hanhonn 19 Aug 2021
Model ID: 5df45493-e5d1-4339-b4b0-265052541429 Sitecore Context Id: 5df45493-e5d1-4339-b4b0-265052541429;

As the local situation stabilises, Singapore will continue as planned with the second step in the easing of community measures starting from today, 19 August 2021.

The Government made the announcement through a Multi-Ministry Taskforce (MTF) press conference on 19 August 2021.

“By working together, we have been able to stabilise the infection situation, even as we eased measures on the end of August. Therefore, we are now able to continue with out next step of easing starting today,” said Finance Minister and MTF Co-Chair Lawrence Wong.

Meanwhile, with Singapore’s high vaccination rates, the Government is also reviewing its treatment and care model for COVID-19 patients.

A home isolation care model will soon be piloted for the management of COVID-19 patients who are fully vaccinated and who display mild or no symptoms.

“We will put in place a robust monitoring and support system to make sure the individual stays at home and also receive adequate medical support,” said Health Minister Ong Ye Kung.

Community Measures from 19 August 2021

Social Gatherings

Social gatherings and interactions in public and private spaces remains the same as per the current measures from 10 to 18 August 2021.

Group sizes are to be no bigger than five, with unvaccinated individuals remaining in groups no bigger than that of two.

Each household is to have no more than five unique visitors a day, and individuals should limit their social gatherings to no more than two a day.


Up to 50 per cent of employees who can work from home can now return to the workplace. Social gatherings within the workplace are also permitted.

Resumption of Air Travel

Singapore will also cautiously open air travel once again with the launch of a new Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) arrangement with Germany and Brunei Darussalam, as well as lift border restrictions for all travel from Hong Kong and Macao.

Germany and Brunei Darussalam

From 8 September 2021, fully vaccinated travelers departing from Germany or Brunei Darussalam may enter Singapore without the need to serve Stay-Home Notice (SHN) under the new VTL arrangement.

However, in lieu of SHN, travellers must undergo multiple COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests.

Hong Kong and Macao

With immediate effect, short-term visitors with travel history to Hong Kong or Macao in the last 21 consecutive days prior to their departure for Singapore can apply for an Air Travel Pass (ATP) for entry into Singapore on or after 26 August 2021.

Visitors will undergo a COVID-19 PCR test upon arrival at the airport. They will be allowed to go about their activities in Singapore if their PCR test result is negative.

Visitors will also not need to serve a seven-day SHN with a COVID-19 PCR test.