Model ID: da687d97-6931-4149-91df-6606697b335f Sitecore Context Id: da687d97-6931-4149-91df-6606697b335f;

COVID-19: SG Healthcare Corps Draws 3,000 Healthcare Professionals

Health Minister Gan Kim Yong urges for more healthcare professionals in the private sector to join the initiative.
Model ID: da687d97-6931-4149-91df-6606697b335f Sitecore Context Id: da687d97-6931-4149-91df-6606697b335f;
By Ian Tan Hanhonn 28 Apr 2020
Model ID: da687d97-6931-4149-91df-6606697b335f Sitecore Context Id: da687d97-6931-4149-91df-6606697b335f;

Around 3,000 healthcare professionals across all job roles have signed to join the SG Healthcare Corps since it was launched on 7 April 2020.

Health Minister Gan Kim Yong gave the update at the Multi-Ministry Taskforce virtual press conference on 28 April 2020.

He also encouraged more healthcare professionals in the private sector to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic by joining the SG Healthcare Corps initiative.

Coordinated by the Ministry of Health (MOH), the SG Healthcare Corps was formed to boost Singapore’s healthcare workforce.

“We deeply appreciate their contribution and willingness to come forward. Moving forward, MOH will expand SG Healthcare Corps to include more healthcare professionals as well as non-healthcare professionals,” he said

Mr Gan also stated that the Government will be redeploying manpower from industries affected by COVID-19, enabling them to take on new roles at hospitals.

Expanding Current Medical Facilities

The Government also plans to increase the number of facilities to house COVID-19 patients with varying medical requirements by end-June.

The increase includes:

  • Swab Isolation Facilities (SIFs), for patients waiting for their swab test results, from 4,000 beds to 7,000.
  • Community Care Facilities (CCFs), for patients with mild symptoms and lower risk factors, from 10,000 beds to 20,000 beds.
  • Community Recovery Facilities (CRFs), for patients who remain well at day 14 of their illness and who do not require further medical care, from 2,000 beds to 10,000 beds.