Model ID: 7980d276-2442-4c41-b10e-aee2f0a30771 Sitecore Context Id: 7980d276-2442-4c41-b10e-aee2f0a30771;

COVID-19 Measures to Ease Further Should 50% of Population Be Fully Vaccinated by End-July

The Government urges all Singaporeans to be vaccinated as soon as they can to speed up the reopening process.
Model ID: 7980d276-2442-4c41-b10e-aee2f0a30771 Sitecore Context Id: 7980d276-2442-4c41-b10e-aee2f0a30771;
07 Jul 2021
Model ID: 7980d276-2442-4c41-b10e-aee2f0a30771 Sitecore Context Id: 7980d276-2442-4c41-b10e-aee2f0a30771;

The Government will consider easing COVID-19 measures further by end-July when at least half of the population is fully vaccinated, said the Multi-Ministry Taskforce on 7 July 2021.

A person must receive two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to be considered fully vaccinated.

The taskforce added that it will look at increasing social group sizes to eight persons and doubling the participant size of events to 500 for fully vaccinated persons, when the nation crosses the 50 per cent milestone.

Work-from-home is expected remain the default, but more may be allowed to return to the workplace based on the percentage of total employees who are fully vaccinated.

“As Singapore’s vaccination coverage continues to increase, we will introduce differentiated safe management measures for vaccinated persons. This will allow individuals who have been fully vaccinated under the national vaccination programme to participate in more community and economic activities.

“When more people are vaccinated, it reduces the risk of spread from an infected person to another, in particular a non-vaccinated person who is more vulnerable to the disease,” said the taskforce.

The taskforce will announce more measures and other changes at a later date.

With Effect from 12 July

As previously announced by the taskforce, groups of up to 5 persons can dine-in at F&B establishments from 12 July 2021. Social and recreational gatherings at the workplace will also be allowed for groups of up to five persons, in line with the broader community rules.

The taskforce said that dining-in remains a higher-risk activity because many people are unmasked and in proximity with one another.

“Entertainment at F&B establishments such as live entertainment, recorded music, and TV screening, will continue to be prohibited in order to reduce the expulsion of droplets from individuals having to raise their voices over the entertainment,” it added.

Wedding receptions will be allowed to resume, with no more than 250 persons allowed with pre-event testing (PET).

“We have made significant progress in vaccinating the Singapore population since the start of this year and we must not lose our momentum. Even as we plan our transition and public health measures around vaccination milestones, we urge everyone who is eligible to step forward and get vaccinated as soon as possible … Any further steps towards reopening and a Singapore with endemic COVID-19 will only be possible when more of our population is protected through vaccination,” said the taskforce.