Model ID: 0ec6fdc6-c4bf-4ea2-ae48-9d837c0f05bd Sitecore Context Id: 0ec6fdc6-c4bf-4ea2-ae48-9d837c0f05bd;

COVID-19: Government Reinstates Stricter Safe Management Measures at the Workplace

Employers must exercise heightened vigilance at the workplace.
Model ID: 0ec6fdc6-c4bf-4ea2-ae48-9d837c0f05bd Sitecore Context Id: 0ec6fdc6-c4bf-4ea2-ae48-9d837c0f05bd;
By Ian Tan Hanhonn 04 May 2021
Model ID: 0ec6fdc6-c4bf-4ea2-ae48-9d837c0f05bd Sitecore Context Id: 0ec6fdc6-c4bf-4ea2-ae48-9d837c0f05bd;

Safe Management Measures (SMM) at workplaces will be tightened from 8 to 30 May 2021.

Throughout this period, employers must ensure that no more than 50 per cent of their employees – who are able to work from home – should be at the workplace at any given time, and social gatherings at the workplace should be avoided.

Employers should also continue to stagger start times of employees who need to return to the workplace and implement flexible-working hours.

The Multi-Ministry Taskforce (MTF) announced these measures on 4 May 2021.

The measures came after a total of 60 community cases were discovered in the past week. Of which, 40 of them are linked to the Tan Tock Seng Hospital cluster.

MTF Co-Chair Gan Kim Yong said: “We need to step up efforts to keep the community safe and break the chain of transmission by reducing interactions in the community and in the workplace.”

New Social Measures

There will also be additional measures beyond the workplace that will be in effect from 8 to 30 May 2021.

Social gatherings and unique household visitors will be brought down from eight to five.

MTF Co-Chair Lawrence Wong said that the Government is essentially reinstating phase two measures for a few weeks.

Places of Congregation and Worship

For congregational and other forms of worship services, pre-event testing will be required if there are more than 100 attendees. Such events are capped at 250 attendees.

Congregational singing will be suspended in religious organisations to manage any risks of spread.


Marriage solemnisations are still permissible, with up to 250 attendees in total, but in zones of up to 50. The total number of attendees include the wedding couple, excluding the solemniser and vendors.

Similarly, wedding receptions may proceed with up to 250 attendees in total – including the wedding couple, excluding vendors – for the entire event, in zones or timeslots of up to 50 attendees each.

For solemnisations, pre-event testing will be required for the wedding couple if the event involves more than 50 attendees.

For wedding receptions, pre-event testing will be required for all attendees, if there are more than 50 attendees.


Attendees at the day of the burial or cremation will be limited to no more than 30 persons, down from 50. The limit for other days of the wake remains at 30 attendees at any given time.

Pre-event testing is not required for funerals.

Spectator Sports

All mass participation sports events will be suspended and no spectators will be allowed.

Live Performances, B2B Events and Cinemas

The maximum number of attendees allowed for such events will be reduced from 750 to 250. Pre-event testing will be required if there are more than 100 attendees.

Cinemas will only be allowed to have up to 100 attendees. However, there is the chance to have this number increased to 250 attendees, provided there are provisions for pre-event testing.

Museums and Libraries

These venues will have their operating capacity reduced from 65 per cent to 50 per cent.

Local Tours

The maximum tour size offered by tour operators and tourist guides will be reduced from 50 attendees to 20 attendees.

Closure of Higher-Risk Settings

Indoor gymnasiums and indoor fitness studios will be closed during this period, as these are small, enclosed spaces where people are frequently unmasked and in close proximity with many others.

Outdoor organised exercise programmes may still continue but will be subjected to a class size of no more than 30 attendees, and safe distancing measures must be in place.

This includes having group sizes of up to five persons, with a three-metre distance between each group.

TraceTogether-only Safe Entry

The implementation of TraceTogether-only Safe Entry will be brought forward to 17 May 2021.

This initiative was initially slated to commence on 1 June 2021.

From 17 May 2021, scanning of SafeEntry QR codes with the phone camera and Singpass App will be discontinued.

To ease the transition, ID check-ins will be retained until 31 May 2021.

SafeEntry Gateway

The requirement to deploy SafeEntry Gateway devices will be extended to more public-facing venues where people are likely to be in contact for prolonged periods, such as hotels, dine-in F&B outlets, sports and fitness centres.

This will facilitate a more seamless check-in experience and ensure that TraceTogether tokens are functioning.

These venues will be required to deploy the SafeEntry Gateway by 15 June 2021, and the full list of venues required to deploy the SafeEntry Gateway can be found here.