Model ID: b46d83ab-a63d-4a90-aeb7-1dfc6c8fa092 Sitecore Context Id: b46d83ab-a63d-4a90-aeb7-1dfc6c8fa092;

COVID-19: Businesses will Resume Over the Coming Weeks

The Government will gradually start opening businesses from 5 May 2020 onwards.
Model ID: b46d83ab-a63d-4a90-aeb7-1dfc6c8fa092 Sitecore Context Id: b46d83ab-a63d-4a90-aeb7-1dfc6c8fa092;
By Ian Tan Hanhonn 02 May 2020
Model ID: b46d83ab-a63d-4a90-aeb7-1dfc6c8fa092 Sitecore Context Id: b46d83ab-a63d-4a90-aeb7-1dfc6c8fa092;

The Government will gradually allow the opening of businesses from 5 May 2020, announced Health Minister Gan Kim Yong at a Multi-Ministry Taskforce press conference on 2 May 2020.

“We will allow the gradual resumption of selected activities and services in the coming weeks, subject to the necessary safe management measures being put in place,” said Mr Gan.

From 5 May 2020, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners who use acupuncture for pain management and for treatment of chronic diseases will be allowed to resume operations.

More businesses such as laundry services; barbers; as well as home-based businesses like bakers will be allowed to resume from 12 May 2020.

However, Mr Gan cautioned that Singaporeans must continue to be vigilant even as the Government moves to lift some of the stricter circuit breaker measures.

“The taskforce will monitor the number of COVID-19 cases closely. Should there be emerging trends or increasing transmissions, we may have to reinstate some of the cautionary measures,” he said.

Resumption of Other Work Premises

National Development Minister Lawrence Wong added that as the Government goes about the gradual re-opening of work premises, much stricter guidelines and requirements for safe management within the workplace need to be in place.

“Now workplace safety and health must be taken into consideration – safe distancing and the whole range of safe management practices that are critical to prevent the spread of the virus within the premises,” stated Mr Wong.

Mr Wong also stated that businesses and services opening from 12 May 2020 onwards need to implement the SafeEntry App.

SafeEntry is a national digital check-in system which logs visits by individuals to hotspots and venues providing essential services, as well as employees of essential services.

Mr Wong cautioned on the gradually relaxing of the circuit breaker measures.

He said: “The situation is fluid, it is dynamic. The plans may well have to be further adjusted, depending on how the infection and the situation unfolds in coming days and weeks.”