Singapore may be home to one of the world’s largest ports today, but it is not immune to threats from competitors and changes in global shipping trends.
In support of PSA Singapore’s transformation journey, underscored by automation and relocation of port operations to Tuas, the Port Officers’ Union (POU) has been working closely with the management and NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) to run a quarterly series of professional development seminars. POU tapped e2i’s network of training partners and funding to organise the seminars.
“We wanted to enhance the knowledge of our members with one objective – the more knowledge we have of the future, the less fearful we will be of it,” said POU President Benjamin Tang.
Imparting Knowledge
The second in the series of seminars focused on addressing trends in the port and shipping industry was held across two evening sessions on 25 and 26 October 2017. It was attended by more than 120 members and featured a panel discussion where participants got to trade experiences with industry veterans.
“These topics will impact PSA Singapore’s port operations and development a great deal. By having our members better understand things like China’s One Belt, One Road initiative and the influence it wields, they will be able to better plan and strategise their work to support the company,” said Mr Tang.
In the face of tumultuous changes in the industry, e2i CEO Gilbert Tan said the institute will continue to work closely with POU and PSA Singapore to identify and customise relevant training programmes to prepare employees to embrace technology to capitalise on new global opportunities.
“With the information [shared at the seminar], we could clearly see the challenges, obstacles and even opportunities we can explore. It is good for us to have a broader perspective of what the company is facing and gain a different insight towards what they are doing. I also get a better idea of how I can contribute in my own capacity,” said Phillip Chor, POU member and PSA Singapore senior mechanical engineer.