Model ID: 2f959584-9e95-4651-8176-21d3f86f240b Sitecore Context Id: 2f959584-9e95-4651-8176-21d3f86f240b;

Ask for flexible job arrangements

That was the message NTUC Director (Legal Services & PMEs) Patrick Tay had for some 50 female PMEs (Professionals, Managers, Executives) who wanted to know how to pursue flexible work arrangements with their employers. Read on to find out more.
Model ID: 2f959584-9e95-4651-8176-21d3f86f240b Sitecore Context Id: 2f959584-9e95-4651-8176-21d3f86f240b;
28 Nov 2011
Model ID: 2f959584-9e95-4651-8176-21d3f86f240b Sitecore Context Id: 2f959584-9e95-4651-8176-21d3f86f240b;

By Nicolette Yeo

That was the message NTUC Director (Legal Services & PMEs) Patrick Tay had for some 50 female PMEs (Professionals, Managers, Executives) who wanted to know how to pursue flexible work arrangements with their employers. The women were participants at NTUC Women’s Development Secretariat’s (WDS) inaugural 'Negotiating Your Way To Flexi Work Arrangement’ workshop on 4 November 2011.

In the past, NTUC WDS reached out to employers to persuade them to make flexible work arrangements available for women but the focus this year is on boosting awareness and adoption for employees. In his opening address, special guest Mr Tay noted that women tend to leave their jobs due to family care commitments. However, with the technological advancements in today’s work environment, he felt that women should be the ones requesting for flexible work arrangements from the employers.

“So, instead of simply quitting their jobs, taking it as the final option for lack or want of a choice, women can take charge of their work life to basically empower themselves to speak up to ask for flexible work arrangements,” said Mr Tay.

“We hope that at today’s seminar, they get to pick up some tips and look at viable proposals for them to tap on because there is now change in work hours, change in work patterns, even change in work locations … these are various changes which may facilitate or make the catalyst for flexible work arrangements.” He hoped that it could be done in such a way that the organisation’s goals are not compromised and the work environment remains positive.

Mr Tay also had a message for the employers. Pointing out that women are a good source of talent to tap on in the current labour crunch, he felt that employers should capitalise on the fact that there are many capable women who are able and willing to work, and look into re-designing the work environment for them.

To date, NTUC WDS has worked with some 320 companies to create flexible work options and helped to place 7,500 women in such jobs under the Flexi-Works Funding. Going forward, Director Sylvia Choo revealed that NTUC WDS plans to tap on the over 70,000 women who want to come back to the workforce, and are working with tripartite partners to help as many women as possible. NTUC WDS will also press on with its efforts to promote flexible work arrangements and aims to double the number of women on such options. As such, it is planning to run another four sessions of this workshop by next year to reach out to 250 women.
