How is the Labour Movement reaching out to workers in the area of training? We head to training institution NTUC LearningHub.
Did you know that every Monday morning for the last nine months, LHUB has in-house training sessions for its management team.
In 2017, they learnt about staying “lean” in the way they work. For 2018, the focus will be on data analytics.
This will be not just for internal training sessions but for the nation as a whole, said LHUB’s CEO, Kwek Kok Kwong.
He said that LHUB will be working closely with government agencies, employers and unions to roll out courses to prepare workers for the smart nation city of the future.
“Our courses will address both the non-professionals who require Information Technology (IT) skills to work and the professionals who need to constantly upskill to support the IT industry. There will be a lot of future jobs like cloud computing or the Internet of Things and all these are important for a smart nation and need skilled professionals,” emphasised Mr Kwek.
In 2017, some 160,000 training places were taken up in various courses offered by LHUB.
In 2018, IT-related courses will be rolled out to upskill both the professionals and the common man to be more IT-savvy. For unions, LHUB will work with the Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute to run training classes on IT subjects.
You can obtain more information about LHUB’s courses at