Model ID: 7a07b494-11e0-41bb-bf7d-52ad907440bd Sitecore Context Id: 7a07b494-11e0-41bb-bf7d-52ad907440bd;

Achieve Career Goals with LIT DISCOvery

A new discovery marketplace helps youths take charge of their careers.
Model ID: 7a07b494-11e0-41bb-bf7d-52ad907440bd Sitecore Context Id: 7a07b494-11e0-41bb-bf7d-52ad907440bd;
By Fawwaz Bake 03 Jun 2019
Model ID: 7a07b494-11e0-41bb-bf7d-52ad907440bd Sitecore Context Id: 7a07b494-11e0-41bb-bf7d-52ad907440bd;

Over the past three years, Young NTUC has engaged more than 10,000 youths through the Youth Career Network (YCN) Career Discovery and Mentorship Programme. The programme has helped many of them discover their career aspirations.

To help more youths discover themselves and embrace the spirit of lifelong learning, Young NTUC collaborated with the Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI) to launch the LIT (LIT) DISCOvery, a career discovery marketplace, on 1 June 2019.

“Young NTUC’s Youth Career Network fosters peer-to-peer learning amongst Singaporeans. Over 400 industry professionals have helped more than 10,000 youths seize learning and career opportunities. Such volunteerism is an important part of Singapore’s social unity and nation building,” said NTUC Assistant Secretary-General Desmond Choo.

What Went On

The career discovery marketplace was divided into three zones – Discovery Zone, Learning Zone and Employers Networking Zone.

Youths had the opportunity to go through mock interviews, bite-sized learning modules by LLI and network with prospective employers.

The organisers also held a conference with speakers from big companies such as DBS BankIBM Singapore and Microsoft, who offered insights on the future economy and the future of banking and artificial intelligence.

Young NTUC Executive Secretary Wendy Tan said: “We have seen an increase in youths who have expressed uncertainties in career navigation. Hence, we hope to reach out to more youths through this career discovery platform to help them be more confident in establishing their own career. NTUC will continue to work closely with partners like LLI and the National Youth Council to enhance our career networks so that more youths can realise their career aspirations.”