Model ID: 15b7c667-b1c7-4995-add7-0dadf36c271e Sitecore Context Id: 15b7c667-b1c7-4995-add7-0dadf36c271e;

AUPE: Higher medical and dental benefits for civil servants

Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE) General Secretary Ma Wei Cheng welcomed the announcement that the Public Service Division (PSD) had agreed to increase the caps on medical and dental subsidy for public employees in view of the increased medical and dental costs.
Model ID: 15b7c667-b1c7-4995-add7-0dadf36c271e Sitecore Context Id: 15b7c667-b1c7-4995-add7-0dadf36c271e;
12 Apr 2013
Model ID: 15b7c667-b1c7-4995-add7-0dadf36c271e Sitecore Context Id: 15b7c667-b1c7-4995-add7-0dadf36c271e;

Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE) General Secretary Ma Wei Cheng has welcomed the announcement that the Public Service Division (PSD) had agreed to increase the caps on medical and dental subsidy for public employees in view of the increased medical and dental costs.

The enhanced medical and dental benefits will also apply to reemployed employees and Statutory Board employees. This follows AUPE’s representations to the PSD for some time. Following consultations with AUPE, the Civil Service will revise its medical and dental subsidy caps with effect from 1 April 2013.

The enhancements are as follows:

(a) Outpatient Treatment Claim - from $10 to $20 per treatment

Currently, an employee who visits a private clinic can claim up to 85 per cent of the medical bill, subject to a cap of $10 per visit. This cap for the reimbursable amount will be increased to $20 per visit.

(b) Outpatient Treatment - from $350 to $500 per year with increase from $350 on reimbursement basis

Civil servants can currently claim up to $350 per year for their outpatient expenses. Any unutilised balance of the $350 is credited into the employee’s Medisave account at the end of each year.

Some employees may need more than $350 for their medical needs in a year. Civil Service will raise the annual outpatient claim limit to $500, with the additional $150 (beyond the $350) given on a reimbursement basis.

(c) Dental benefits - increase in subsidy from $70 to $120 per year and copayment by Civil Service from 50 per cent to 85 per cent

Civil Service currently pays 50 per cent of the dental bill per visit and the annual claim limit is capped at $70. It will increase the subsidy of the dental bill per visit from 50 per cent to 85 per cent. Employees who used to pay $35 for a $70 dental bill will only need to pay $10.50 with this change. The annual dental reimbursable limit will also be increased from $70 to $120.
