Model ID: 5a39b8c9-7c69-485d-8512-036d01c1a19b Sitecore Context Id: 5a39b8c9-7c69-485d-8512-036d01c1a19b;

A p.L.a.Y! to remember

The Labour Movements performing arts group, Young NTUC p.L.a.Y! danced and sang their hearts out at celebratory concert.
Model ID: 5a39b8c9-7c69-485d-8512-036d01c1a19b Sitecore Context Id: 5a39b8c9-7c69-485d-8512-036d01c1a19b;
By Nicholas Lee 18 Jan 2013
Model ID: 5a39b8c9-7c69-485d-8512-036d01c1a19b Sitecore Context Id: 5a39b8c9-7c69-485d-8512-036d01c1a19b;

It is said that music is a universal language understood by mankind. And when a group of performers came together to put up a concert where each sang and danced their hearts out, that performance truly spoke about their labour of love.

The performers were from the Labour Movement’s very own performing arts group, Young NTUC p.L.a.Y! (Performing with Love by Active Youth). Held at the NTUC Auditorium on 14 December 2012, the one-night only concert titled `Footprints’ profiled the group’s journey as a community of passionate young adults from diverse backgrounds coming together with a common love for music and dance.

`Footprints’ is a ground-up initiative that was conceptualised and driven by the members of p.L.a.Y!. Tunes from its past performances as far back as seven years ago were performed. Songs made famous by popular singers such as Gloria Estefan, Lady GaGa, The Carpenters as well as original songs had audiences bobbing their heads and singing along.

Young NTUC p.La.Y! Team Manager Cindy Loo said: “`Footprints’ is a showcase of our best performances over the years and it is a reflection of how far we have come together as a group. Above and beyond our common passion and love for performing on stage, we have also forged some of our greatest friendships through p.L.a.Y!.”

Young NTUC Executive Secretary Steve Tan said: “p.L.a.Y!’s philosophy has always been centred around our members. We firmly believe that if you have the passion and belief in yourself, you can make the stage yours. This philosophy today manifests itself in `Footprints’, a performance put together entirely by the dedicated members of p.L.a.Y! from the ground up.”
