Model ID: 04cf7f87-35bb-4504-a6fc-97f2f6fbdf07 Sitecore Context Id: 04cf7f87-35bb-4504-a6fc-97f2f6fbdf07;

A Collective Effort For Success

Effective tripartism can clearly be seen in the outcomes, and Singapore has plenty to show
Model ID: 04cf7f87-35bb-4504-a6fc-97f2f6fbdf07 Sitecore Context Id: 04cf7f87-35bb-4504-a6fc-97f2f6fbdf07;
26 Oct 2015
Model ID: 04cf7f87-35bb-4504-a6fc-97f2f6fbdf07 Sitecore Context Id: 04cf7f87-35bb-4504-a6fc-97f2f6fbdf07;

By Marcus Lin

In his keynote address at the International Forum on Tripartism on 26 October 2015,  International Labour Organization (ILO) Director-General Guy Ryder reflected on how far Singapore had progressed the last 50 years, overcoming considerable obstacles to go from third world to first world "at an astonishing pace". Singapore's 50th anniversary also marks 50 years of association with the ILO as a member state.

He quoted the late Dutch economist Dr Albert Winsemius who said that Singapore's success was not a "miracle" but rather because of "hard-headed policies" and the collective efforts of its people.

All In The Results

As tripartism should fundamentally be an important part of the way policies are made, Mr Ryder said this was not widespread enough. For it to work well, tripartism would be judged by results and that in Singapore "the results are plain to see". 

He pointed out that tripartism cannot function without trust, a firm institutional base like what Singapore has, and it has to be conducted by independant representatives. Tripartism also would not work if it is resorted to as a last resort and when things get tough, he added.

On the challenges facing the ILO and the need to adapt and modernise tripartism, Guy Ryder observed from his dealings with Singapore tripartite leaders that Singapore is not ready to stand still and always looks to the future.

Source: NTUC This Week