Model ID: 32bce6e3-c1a7-4a3d-8431-0ffaed52fda1 Sitecore Context Id: 32bce6e3-c1a7-4a3d-8431-0ffaed52fda1;

$320,000 Raised for Migrant Workers in need through sales of Minister Tan Chuan-Jin’s photobooks

Chairman of the Trustees of the MWAF, Mr Bennett Neo said, “We have worked closely with Minister Tan’s team in many areas over the last few years and for him to pay us this honour is a significant endorsement and compliment for us.”
Model ID: 32bce6e3-c1a7-4a3d-8431-0ffaed52fda1 Sitecore Context Id: 32bce6e3-c1a7-4a3d-8431-0ffaed52fda1;
21 Apr 2015
Model ID: 32bce6e3-c1a7-4a3d-8431-0ffaed52fda1 Sitecore Context Id: 32bce6e3-c1a7-4a3d-8431-0ffaed52fda1;

The Migrant Workers’ Centre (MWC), with the support of the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) and the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), has raised $320,000 for the Migrant Workers’ Assistance Fund, the MWC’s humanitarian charity. The amount raised came from sales of Minister for Manpower, and Social and Family Development (MSF) Mr Tan Chuan-Jin’s book of personal travel photos – The World We Live In, which was published late last year. The fundraising initiative culminated in a closed door appreciation session for donors and partners on 20 April 2015 at the Red Dot Design Museum, where Mr Tan also gave out 12 framed prints, in appreciation to organisations and individuals who made significant contributions.

Addressing guests at the reception, Mr Tan described how many Singaporeans recognise and appreciate the contribution of our workers, both Singaporean and from all over the world. The concern and care we show for each other defines our values as a people which, as we mark SG50, are among the very qualities we should celebrate.

Mr Tan also mentioned how the MWC has done well to complement the Government’s effort to continually improve conditions for migrant workers through the former’s work in educating, supporting and assisting those who require help.

Thanking donors for their contributions, Mr Tan said, “On my part, I’m honoured to be able to contribute to the MWAF by offering my own photo compilation. These pictures were taken during my travels and are my humble attempt at capturing the beauty of the world we all live in. I’m privileged to be able to share my perspectives with all of you who have given so generously to this cause”.

Chairman of the Trustees of the MWAF, Mr Bennett Neo said, “We have worked closely with Minister Tan’s team in many areas over the last few years and for him to pay us this honour is a significant endorsement and compliment for us.” Recording his personal thanks to the Minister, Mr Neo added, “Your efforts towards improving conditions for migrant workers are deeply appreciated. Be assured that through your generosity, you have strengthened MWC as well as our resolve to further our mission of improving the welfare and well-being of migrant workers in Singapore.”

Mr R Subramani, one of the corporate representatives to receive a coveted framed print, said of his organisation’s donation, “TS Group employs a number of migrant workers within our operations. While we do what we can to make their stay here as comfortable as possible, we know that there may be some migrant workers who may not be as fortunate. Making our own small contribution to this effort is our way of showing solidarity with the MWC’s cause, and more importantly, of thanking all migrant workers for their part in helping to build our country.”  

Since its inception in 2012, the MWAF has already disbursed more than 31,000 meals needy migrant workers; provided emergency housing to more than 400 others; and paid out various cash tokens to assist needy migrant workers, migrant worker accident victims, as well as those whose companies have run into financial difficulties. Interested parties can find out how to contribute to the Migrant Workers’ Assistance Fund by going to the MWC’s website at

