2010 COS – Prime Minister's Office – Re-employment of Older Workers in the Public Sector – Mdm Halimah Yacob, MP for Jurong GRC
Mr Speaker Sir,
The Re-employment legislation will be introduced in 2012 but the public sector had announced that it intends to put its own policy on re-employment much earlier in 2010.
The public sector is one of the larger employers in Singapore and its HR policies have a significant impact on the private sector.
With the greater focus now on productivity and innovation, there are concerns among older workers whether there will be a place for them. Therefore, the re-employment initiative has assumed greater urgency. It is also important that the public sector continues to invest in the training and upgrading of its older workers so that they can perform the new, more complex and challenging tasks and can continue to add value to their work.
I would like to ask the DPM to give an update on the re-employment of older workers in the public sector. How many were re-employed, what is the average length of re-employment, what their terms of employment are and what kind of training is provided to them.
Thank you.