Model ID: 2b86f770-060f-4c79-87dc-91a2de7167d2 Sitecore Context Id: 2b86f770-060f-4c79-87dc-91a2de7167d2;

$13 million boost for 1,000 OPEC workers

The fund has been set aside by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency and will be administered by NTUCs e2i (Employment and Employability Institute).
Model ID: 2b86f770-060f-4c79-87dc-91a2de7167d2 Sitecore Context Id: 2b86f770-060f-4c79-87dc-91a2de7167d2;
By Naseema Banu Maideen 08 Nov 2012
Model ID: 2b86f770-060f-4c79-87dc-91a2de7167d2 Sitecore Context Id: 2b86f770-060f-4c79-87dc-91a2de7167d2;

A $13 million fund is being pumped to fuel more power into companies’ training engines. This shot will be given to the companies in the Labour Movement’s Oil, Petrochemical, Energy and Chemical (OPEC) Cluster.

The Cluster unveiled this at the learning journey held at one of Singapore Power Group’s 12 district offices at Telok Blangah District Office on 7 November 2012.

There are workers like Mr Ong Thian Sang, 61, who has up-skilled from a Motor Transport Driver to a Technician today. There are also others like Mr Murugiah Selvam who progressed from a Technical Officer to become an Engineer with a degree in his hand.

These employees at Singapore Power Limited are beneficiaries of progressive wages that have been triggered by the company’s in-house training programmes and sponsorships.

The newly-injected training fund aims to support companies help another 1,000 workers in the OPEC Cluster earn progressive wages through various platforms.

Shared NTUC Vice-President and OPEC Cluster Chairman K Karthikeyan: “We have committed to this initiative to highlight that our Progressive Wage Model (PWM) is a model for all levels of workers.

“It aims to help them earn higher pay progressively throughout their careers, even in industries where salaries are relatively better.”

He hopes that this initiative will also pull younger Singaporeans into the progressively well-paying jobs in these sectors.

Towards this, he said the Cluster is creating more awareness in powering up the image of the industry as “….the first few things that young graduates relate to the jobs are that they are difficult, demanding and dirty, when actually, the real work environment is far from this.”

The $13 million fund has been set aside by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency and will be administered by NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute).

The Cluster and NTUC’s e2i will work with our companies to tap on the funding to develop more structured approaches towards training for better jobs and good career progression for all Singaporeans.

For the full details, please do drop by our Newsroom for the Media Release.
