Income Eco Run 2023

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NTUC Union Members: $40 (early bird rate) and $45 (normal run rate)


After a three-year hiatus, Income Eco Run is back, with a one-of-a-kind concept! This time, you get to choose the distance you want to run in support of a zero-waste lifestyle in Singapore.

Between 3 km and a half marathon (21.1 km), you can run at your own pace with family and friends, young or old. With Income donating $1 to the Singapore Environment Council for every kilometre you clock, there’s no better reason to join the cause!

So, how far will you go for zero waste? Join us in securing a sustainable future!

Key code: 23IERNTUC to enjoy these exclusive rates.

Register your run via today! 

Valid till

21 May 2023

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