Model ID: 735803e2-a22a-40fe-8f6e-98c254291a03 Sitecore Context Id: 735803e2-a22a-40fe-8f6e-98c254291a03;

National Day Awards 2024: Five Labour Movement leaders honoured

This year’s National Day Awards sees five individuals from the Labour Movement given the Public Service Medal for dedicating their lives towards helping others.
Model ID: 735803e2-a22a-40fe-8f6e-98c254291a03 Sitecore Context Id: 735803e2-a22a-40fe-8f6e-98c254291a03;
By Ian Tan Hanhonn 08 Aug 2024
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Model ID: 735803e2-a22a-40fe-8f6e-98c254291a03 Sitecore Context Id: 735803e2-a22a-40fe-8f6e-98c254291a03;


The Prime Minister's Office announced on 9 August 2024 that 6,774 individuals have been given National Day Awards this year for their exemplary contributions to Singapore.


Among them were five leaders from the Labour Movement who have dedicated much of their lives to the betterment of workers and the nation.


These exceptional individuals were selected for their steadfast dedication and inspiring leadership in promoting positive transformation in the workforce.


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Andy Lim: A champion for his fellow workers


NTUC Central Committee Member Andy Lim is dedicated to fostering strong labour-management relations.


He believes collaboration is crucial for the mutual benefit between employers and workers, particularly in the post-COVID-19 era.


To address the needs of workers across various industries, he ensures his colleagues regularly visit organisations to understand and swiftly resolve ground-level issues.


“It gives me a great sense of achievement to be able to help my colleagues fight for their rights,” said Mr Lim, who is also the secretary-general of The Singapore Manual & Mercantile Workers’ Union (SMMWU).


His proactive approach has led to an increase in unionised companies and membership sign-ups for SMMWU.


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Sazali Zainal: Being the best he can be


NTUC Central Committee Member Sazali Zainal was instrumental in forming the all-collar house union ST Engineering Staff Union (STESU), where he serves as the general secretary.


He successfully negotiated a harmonised Collective Agreement that led to positive wage adjustments and enhanced benefits for many workers.


As co-chair of the NTUC Aerospace and Aviation Cluster, Mr Sazali actively collaborates with key partners like the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and Changi Airport Group (CAG) to advance the welfare of aviation sector workers.


“I have never aspired to be a top union leader. I just give my very best at every platform whenever I can,” he said.


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Sanjeev Tiwari: An advocate for the public service workforce


NTUC Central Committee Member Sanjeev Tiwari was responsible for an agreement formed with the Public Service Division (PSD) that strengthened labour-management relations, and improved terms and conditions for the Public Service.


In 2019, he signed the first government-wide Company Training Committee with the PSD. The move facilitated early discussions and planning of identifying, training, and creating new roles for public officers.


He prioritises the well-being of public officers, enhancing their benefits and constantly reviewing their salaries by working in close collaboration with PSD and the relevant agencies.


“My focus is on my members, their work life, the conditions of their workplace and how they can remain relevant to their work,” said Mr Sanjeev, who is also the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE) general secretary.


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Simon Ong: A caretaker of those who care for others


Under Healthcare Services Employees’ Union (HSEU) General Secretary Simon Ong’s leadership, the union expanded its representation to include professionals, managers, and executives.


Today, the union represents 90 per cent and 80 per cent of nursing and non-nursing staff in Singapore.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, Mr Ong supported healthcare workers by distributing care packs and enhancing welfare initiatives for members and their families.


A dedicated advocate for healthcare workers’ well-being, he serves as a Workplace Safety and Health Council representative. He was also appointed to the Tripartite Workgroup for the Prevention of Abuse and Harassment of Healthcare Workers.


On his vision for the sector, he said: “I hope that all healthcare workers can come together to provide the best healthcare services for the nation while supporting each other.”


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Ho Lee Ping: The backbone of the Labour Movement


NTUC-ARU Finance Director Ho Lee Ping supports the Labour Movement achieve its objectives.


She said: “I am particularly motivated and impressed by the work of our industrial relations officers. I am just glad to be able to do my part to support them.”


Her key achievements include overseeing NTUC’s budget, ensuring departments adhere to their allocated funds, and identifying potential cost-saving areas.


She plays a crucial role in strategic planning, reviewing NTUC’s long-term financial projections and securing funding with the Singapore Labour Foundation (SLF) to ensure financial stability.


Additionally, she championed the setup of financial systems management, leading the team to implement a new finance system that helped streamline processes and improve efficiency.


The complete list of the 2024 National Day Award recipients is available at the Prime Minister's Office website.