Model ID: 9e547ade-4596-4aaa-81dc-d2705ec12a30 Sitecore Context Id: 9e547ade-4596-4aaa-81dc-d2705ec12a30;

NTUC: Workers should report safety breaches without fear of retaliation

A new safety campaign also aims to make reporting safety breaches easier and educate workers on common workplace hazards. 

Model ID: 9e547ade-4596-4aaa-81dc-d2705ec12a30 Sitecore Context Id: 9e547ade-4596-4aaa-81dc-d2705ec12a30;
By Shukry Rashid 22 Sep 2023
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Model ID: 9e547ade-4596-4aaa-81dc-d2705ec12a30 Sitecore Context Id: 9e547ade-4596-4aaa-81dc-d2705ec12a30;

NTUC has embarked on an effort to empower workers to speak up and report safety hazards without fear of retaliation through a new campaign.

The ‘Spot, Stop and Report’ campaign aims to make reporting safety breaches easier and educate workers on common workplace hazards.

NTUC launched the new campaign on 22 September 2023 at SBS Transit’s Sengkang Depot. The event was graced by Senior Minister of State for Manpower Zaqy Mohamad.

Mr Zaqy said that it is important for every stakeholder to take ownership of Workplace, Safety and Health (WSH) to build a strong WSH culture.

He highlighted that workers should feel safe to report unsafe workplace practices to their supervisors or union leaders, and how members of the public can also play a part by reporting any unsafe work conditions to MOM.

“Union leaders play a key role in supporting WSH by working with workers on the ground to increase awareness on WSH, encouraging workers to raise any unsafe work to their employers, and sharing WSH concerns to the relevant authorities,” said Mr Zaqy.

National Transport Workers’ Union leader K T Samy said that the union is another channel for workers if they are uncomfortable in bringing up safety concerns to the management.

K T Samy, who is also a WSH champion with SBS Transit, added: “The union has a good working relationship with the management. We meet them regularly, and that gives us the opportunity to voice these concerns.”

NTUC Assistant Secretary-General Melvin Yong said it was imperative to take a proactive and pre-emptive approach toward safety rather than a reactive one.

“It would be too late to make things safer only when an accident has occurred … The Labour Movement urges companies to take all feedback seriously, investigate each report thoroughly, and put in place the relevant prevention measures before an accident happens,” Mr Yong added.

Earlier in the same week, Mr Yong had filed an adjournment motion in Parliament where he spoke about the need to prioritise the safety of every worker. item6_18Sept.jpg


Spot, Stop and Report campaign

The ‘Spot, Stop and Report’ campaign will run for three months, with support from tripartite partners.

The campaign comprises a series of printed and digital collaterals, and videos.

The collaterals will highlight to workers their right to report safety issues, educate them on common workplace hazards to look out for, and how they can lodge a report through the company’s reporting channels.

The company can then take actions to isolate the risk, investigate, and implement safety measures before allowing work to resume.

Open reporting culture

Besides the campaign launch event at the depot, SBS Transit also pledged to commit to an open reporting work culture.

By signing the pledge, SBS Transit commits to:

  1. Support the right of workers to call for a “Stop Work Order” if they deem any work unsafe;
  2. Implement the Last Mile Safety Programme 3.0 to empower employees to take ownership of their safety by educating them about workplace risks, hazards, and safety measures.


The pledge signing ceremony was witnessed by Mr Zaqy, NTUC ASGs Melvin Yong and Desmond Choo, and WSH Council General Manager Christopher Koh.

The ceremony was attended by SBS Transit management representatives and employees, the Ministry of Manpower, Land Transport Authority, WSH Council, NTUC, and leaders from NTUC-affiliated unions.

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Following the pledge signing ceremony, there was a guided tour of SBS Transit’s train simulator for a virtual hands-on rail driving experience.

The simulator was implemented to enhance WSH training of SBS Transit staff so they will be better equipped with the skillset to respond to emergencies.