Model ID: e0313971-cec6-457a-8e1c-498f51fc9b4b Sitecore Context Id: e0313971-cec6-457a-8e1c-498f51fc9b4b;

Migrant workers remain a vital community towards Singapore’s nation-building: Ng Chee Meng

NTUC Migrant Workers Segment recognises 10 progressive employers for efforts towards enhancing the welfare of migrant workers.
Model ID: e0313971-cec6-457a-8e1c-498f51fc9b4b Sitecore Context Id: e0313971-cec6-457a-8e1c-498f51fc9b4b;
By Ian Tan Hanhonn 07 Aug 2023
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Model ID: e0313971-cec6-457a-8e1c-498f51fc9b4b Sitecore Context Id: e0313971-cec6-457a-8e1c-498f51fc9b4b;

Singapore could not have come this far as a nation were it not for the contributions of the migrant worker community, said NTUC Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng.


He was speaking at the National Day Observance Ceremony cum Appreciation Lunch – organised by the NTUC Migrant Workers Segment – on 3 August 2023 at Downtown East.


Mr Ng thanked the migrant community in his speech at the event, attended by over 80 guests, including tripartite partners and representatives from embassies and associations.


“Singapore could not have progressed without friends in the region and the world … A special thank you to the many nations that have participated in Singapore’s progress, and literally in building Singapore brick-by-brick over the last 50 years,” he said.


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Meanwhile, Mr Ng also thanked the staff of the Migrant Workers Segment for their role in protecting and championing the welfare of the migrant worker community – particularly during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.


He shared: “Back in COVID days, you were the first to be deployed forward. I knew exactly what was in the minds of many of you as you went into the different dorms to secure the workers for their health and what personal risks you all underwent during the early days of 2020.


“I have never forgotten those difficult six months where so many things were uncertain, and you had to move into the migrant worker dorms to take care of them. You have done very well.


Recognising progressive employers


The event also saw 10 progressive employers and dormitory partners recognised for taking significant steps in enhancing the welfare of migrant workers.


Together, the employers and partners pledged to board over 45,000 migrant workers onto the MWC Associate Membership programme.


The membership programme covers members for up to $10,000 for critical illness and up to $20,000 in the event of accidental death.


Other benefits include subsidised training and dental benefits.


Beyond the 10 employers recognised, NTUC Migrant Workers Segment Acting Director Michael Lim shared that more companies today are expressing interest in partnering with MWC to extend the associate membership to their migrant workforce.


He said: “I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to everyone who has supported MWC and CDE along the way, and we look forward to forging an even stronger partnership with you as we continue our mission of taking care of migrant workers in Singapore.”